Diabetes and Pineapple: Do's and Don'ts?

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Pineapple is a delicious and nutritious fruit, but pineapple has a high sugar content, so eating pineapple when you have diabetes must follow some notes to ensure that blood sugar does not rise suddenly after a while. when eat.

1. Can diabetics eat pineapple?

In people with diabetes, keeping blood sugar levels stable, close to normal is extremely important, helping the patient live a healthy life and prevent complications. To control blood sugar well, doctors advise people with diabetes:
Have a healthy, balanced diet Control food intake, especially the amount of carbohydrates in food Have a physical exercise regimen Can people with diabetes eat pineapple? Pineapple is a delicious and nutritious fruit. Pineapple contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium ... very good for health. However, because it contains carbohydrates and natural sugars, people with diabetes should not eat too much pineapple. The amount of pineapple eaten must be suitable and balanced with the rest of the diet and treatment course.

Dứa có chứa carbohydrate và cả đường tự nhiên vì vậy người mắc bệnh tiểu đường không nên ăn nhiều dứa
Dứa có chứa carbohydrate và cả đường tự nhiên vì vậy người mắc bệnh tiểu đường không nên ăn nhiều dứa

There are 3 methods that can help balance the diet in patients with type 2 diabetes:
Carbohydrate method The plate method Method based on the glycemic index (GI) )

2. How is it appropriate to eat pineapple when you have diabetes?

Let's learn how to eat pineapple when having diabetes safely by each method:
2.1. Calculating carbohydrate method To specify the treatment of diabetes, the doctor will based on the specific condition of the patient, set a target blood sugar level and the amount of carbohydrates the patient uses each day to achieve the blood sugar level. that goal.
The average amount of carbohydrates usually chosen by doctors for people with diabetes is 45-60 grams of carbohydrates for each main meal and 15-20g of carbohydrates for each snack. However, this number can fluctuate depending on the target blood sugar level. What fruit can diabetics eat? Diabetics can eat the foods they like but must ensure the total amount of carbohydrates is within the specified range. Thus, if pineapple is a high carbohydrate fruit, the patient must cut down on other carbohydrate foods such as bread, potatoes, etc.
The table below shows the amount of carbohydrates in other pineapple servings. together:
Diabetes and Pineapple: Do's and Don'ts?

People who eat pineapple when having diabetes should note that, in 7.4 grams of carbohydrates of a thin slice of pineapple, up to 5.5 grams are natural sugars. An 85g slice of pineapple contains up to 8.3g of natural sugars. This is a type of sugar with a simple structure, the body will digest and absorb faster than other carbohydrates, so it can quickly increase blood sugar after eating.
Canned pineapple, pineapple syrup concentrate, pineapple juice are also higher in carbohydrates. Therefore, people with diabetes need to check the information on the product label before using it.
2.2. The plate method Diabetics can manage their diet by balancing the foods on their plates. With a plate about 23 cm (9 inches) in diameter, a person with diabetes can arrange the following foods:
Half of the plate is non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, salad, tomatoes carrots,... 1⁄4 of the plate are proteins like meat, tofu, eggs,... 1⁄4 of the plate are starchy foods like whole grains, pasta, potatoes Besides the food plate eating, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends adding a medium piece of fruit or a cup of fruit and low-fat milk.

2.3. Method of monitoring blood sugar index

Nhóm thực phẩm có chỉ số đường huyết GI cao
Nhóm thực phẩm có chỉ số đường huyết GI cao
The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly or slowly blood sugar rises after eating foods. The GI index consists of 100 points, in which, glucose has 100 points, water has 0 points. The GI depends on factors such as:
The sugar, starch, and fiber content of the food The ripeness of the food, the cooking method The higher the GI, the more unhealthy it is. diabetics. In international GI transcripts, the GI of pineapple ranges from 51-73 depending on the variety. However, Malaysian pineapple has an individual GI of up to 82. In addition, whole pineapple will have a lower GI than pineapple juice. Ripe pineapples will have a higher GI than unripe pineapples. The GI of pineapple can also be affected by other foods present in the same meal.

3.Note to eat pineapple when having diabetes safely

When you have diabetes, you can include pineapple in your menu as part of a healthy, balanced diet. You should choose fresh pineapple or canned pineapple without added sugar, avoid using high sugar foods such as pineapple syrup or pineapple juice.

Nước ép dứa là thực phẩm có lượng đường cao khi bị tiểu đường không nên sử dụng
Nước ép dứa là thực phẩm có lượng đường cao khi bị tiểu đường không nên sử dụng

If you are new to pineapple in your diet, check your blood sugar regularly. If you find pineapple significantly increases your sugar levels, eat a smaller serving of pineapple or cut back on other carbohydrate foods.
Consult your doctor when you want to change your diet, especially when you want to add high-carbohydrate fruits to your meals.
If you want to control your diabetes well and build a suitable diet, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital to visit and receive the best advice from specialists and nutritionists. nursing.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline.com
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