How to lose 10kg as fast as possible?

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Losing 10 kg in 1 month is the number of people who are overweight and obese. However, this is not a small number and it is difficult to reduce in a short time if you do not know how. To lose 10 kg you need to combine many methods such as exercise, diet.... Here are 10 ways that can help you lose weight quickly and with less adverse health effects.

1.Count the number of calories that the body absorbs

Calorie is a quantity used to calculate the energy the body absorbs and expends in daily activities. The effect of weight loss is achieved only when the energy supplied is less than or equal to the energy expended. So, if the body works to burn a lot of energy, the weight will be improved. Although cutting calories can help reduce excess energy storage, most of us are struggling with information and accurate calorie calculations. You can choose a plate with the right size to display the entire serving and then calculate the calories in that meal. This is an effective method of counting calories without affecting health when losing weight.
According to a review of many studies comparing weight loss with and without counting calories, people who do calorie counting can lose more than 3 kg compared to the group that does not calculate calories in servings .
Thus, counting calories will help you choose and easily balance the nutrients in each serving accordingly. In addition, it will help weight improve quickly without much harm to health when you cut down on the amount of food you eat each day.

Trong giảm cân cần việc đếm calo rất quan trọng
Trong giảm cân cần việc đếm calo rất quan trọng

2. Drink enough and right water

Water is known to be an important component that makes up 70% of our body. So drinking water is a simple way to lose weight but bring long-term effects? Some experiments have shown that water has 0 calories but can make the body feel full, so when drinking enough water, the appetite will be somewhat reduced. Therefore, you can drink 1 glass of water before a meal to gradually reduce the portion size. And people who do this method have a better chance of losing weight faster than those who don't.
Water plays an important role for the circulation and every movement of our body. When drinking water, metabolism takes place and calories are burned, in addition, water contains 0 calories, so the accumulated excess calories will be burned to ensure energy for the body's need for movement. In another study, after 30 to 40 minutes of drinking 500 ml of water, the body's metabolism and energy metabolism took place and the efficiency was about 30% higher than without drinking water regularly. Also 500 ml of drinking water before meals can reduce the body's calorie needs by up to 13% compared to the original. Therefore, doctors always recommend that we drink enough from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. In addition to weight loss, water also helps blood circulation, softens food to prevent constipation.
SEE ALSO: 6 low calorie servings to lose weight fast

3. Adjust the protein content of each serving

How to lose 10 kg fast? It is to increase the amount of protein in the daily meal. Protein will cause muscle mass to grow and promote metabolism to help convert fat into energy. When you eat foods rich in protein, your body will have less appetite and calories will be burned more easily.
For adults, when the amount of protein is increased by 15% compared to the usual diet, they will be fuller for longer and have energy to perform better work throughout the working day. Since belly fat and weight won't affect their health and life anymore,
Another study on increasing protein for breakfast showed that ghrelin decreased. Ghrelin is a hormone that causes cravings that makes it difficult to control our weight, and when this hormone reduces calories, it also reduces and prevents belly fat from growing, causing an increase in body weight.
To increase protein intake to help lose 10 kg in 1 month you can eat meats, seafood, legumes, eggs and some nuts. This way of losing weight you should consult with a nutritionist first to come up with the most reasonable diet for your body because protein overload will also become a risk of destroying your health.

Điều chỉnh hàm lượng protein cho mỗi khẩu phần ăn để đốt cháy mỡ bụng
Điều chỉnh hàm lượng protein cho mỗi khẩu phần ăn để đốt cháy mỡ bụng

4. Limit the amount of carbs in the body

Carbs or carbohydrates are the factors that cause weight and excess fat to constantly increase. Therefore, weight loss diets are always aimed at reducing the amount of carbs in the diet to the maximum to control weight. Moreover, carb can be the cause of increasing the glycemic index of foods, promoting absorption and digestion, making the body quickly crave and feel hungry. When the body consumes too much carbs, it will create an opportunity for fat to increase, leading to overweight and obesity accompanied by cardiovascular disease, blood fat and elevated liver enzymes...

5. Do exercises to burn fat

Exercise is always the method of choice for safe and healthy weight loss. However, the effect of exercises can only be promoted when the practitioner knows how to adjust and select in accordance with their own body. Exercises that require endurance are always a good solution for weight loss because it requires the perseverance and patience of the practitioner and the promise not to give up when difficult.
Some studies measuring energy consumption when doing endurance exercises show that the metabolism is faster, and the energy is burned more even when you have completed the exercise and are resting rest and relax. On average, in 10 weeks of performing endurance exercise, the body's metabolic rate increases by 7%, stabilizes blood sugar, prevents the risk of diabetes, and can burn 1.8 kg of fat. fat to energy in adult subjects.
Also strength exercises but when applied to women, what will happen? A study of nearly 100 women who exercised also showed good metabolic results and significant fat loss. After the implementation, their body will be maintained in a slim body without accumulating excess fat.
If you are a busy person who can't participate in exercises at the gym or can't spend too much time working out, you can refer to some short exercises to help the body burn calories. Exercises such as squat, plank, lunge will be the optimal choice because they are quite simple to perform and do not require much time. However, these exercises have the same powerful ability to burn fat as exercises at the gym.

Bạn cần có chế độ ăn uống kết hợp tập luyện khoa học
Bạn cần có chế độ ăn uống kết hợp tập luyện khoa học

6. Add more fiber in each meal

Fiber is often used as a laxative to support digestion, but it is also a substance that helps to keep the stomach full for longer without feeling hungry. A study in men with 33g of fiber showed that he no longer had an appetite and the amount of food per serving also gradually decreased. According to a review of nutrition reports, 14 grams of fiber per day will reduce the amount of calories your body needs by 10% compared to a low-fiber diet. If this diet is maintained longer, you can lose nearly 2 kg in 4 months not counting low-fat diets or doing calorie-burning exercises.
Another study with a duration of nearly 2 years on women has shown that for every gram of fiber consumed, weight is reduced by 0.25 kg and fat is reduced by 0.25%. . Accordingly, a healthy diet with high-fiber foods is a worthy choice. You can get this nutrient from fruits, vegetables, whole grains....

7. Create a scientific sleep schedule

Sleep will also have a little effect on losing 10 kg in 1 month, although it is not directly the cause of your body weight change. In a study of women with good sleep and an average of more than 7 hours per night, the chance of losing weight was 33% higher than those with poor sleep. Sleeping on time and reasonably will also help the agencies have better working conditions and rest. From there, the elimination of toxins will also improve weight.
Besides, studies on people who sleep less than 5 hours a night for a long time gain weight faster than people with longer sleep. Not only that, the quality of sleep is also the cause of increased appetite. Thus, a quality sleep and scientific sleep schedule really affect your weight and the process of losing 10 kg.
MORE: Sleep more, weight will decrease?

Để giảm cân bạn cần có lịch ngủ nghỉ hợp lý
Để giảm cân bạn cần có lịch ngủ nghỉ hợp lý

8. Always stay consistent in your weight loss plan even when you're at the most difficult stage

Losing weight is a long, difficult and arduous journey that requires people to persevere and always stand firm. There are many people who start out very excited to set a weight loss goal, but when they do, they quickly give up, because they can't stand the pain of exercise, fatigue and cravings.....
Therefore sense of responsibility and consciousness are always important factors that we need if we want to lose 10 kg quickly. In addition, you can log your weight progress to stay motivated or join weight loss diet communities. Doing something alone makes you boring, then find more teammates with the same thoughts and goals to remind each other about knowledge.

9. Do cardio to improve heart health and improve weight

What do you think about cardio aerobic exercise in your weight loss process? If you want to lose 10 kg in 1 month effectively, try adding cardio to your weight loss process and experiment.
When performing exercises, your body will exercise to burn energy effectively while promoting circulation, increasing resistance to the heart and lungs. If you maintain this exercise 5 times per week, the calorie-burning effect can reach 400 to 600 calories. After 10 months of persistent persistence, you can lose an average of up to 5 kg. Of course, to lose 10 kg, you need to consult a doctor because losing too much weight too quickly always comes with the risk of gaining weight back in the near future.
If your goal is to lose 10 kg you should consider spending more time exercising maybe 60 - 90 minutes a day instead of 20 - 40 minutes for those who want to lose weight slowly and maintain. Exercises such as jumping rope, walking, running... will be simulated by cardio to help you find it interesting and bring you the highest weight loss effect.

Các bài tập cardio sẽ giúp bạn giảm cân nhanh và an toàn hơn
Các bài tập cardio sẽ giúp bạn giảm cân nhanh và an toàn hơn

10. Enjoy the food slowly and feel it

Eating fast and eating large pieces will not only make you gain weight, but also make your stomach hurt. Eating slowly and eating small pieces has really been applied by the Japanese in their diets and the effect we are still seeing every day.
Why does chewing well make you fuller for longer? Food after being crushed by teeth moves to the stomach, it will take a while to absorb all nutrients and then digest. However, if you chew quickly without thoroughly crushing the food, it will be difficult for the stomach to digest and take time as well as require more contractions.
Therefore, chewing food thoroughly will support the stomach without much activity, so the amount of nutrients and energy is also higher, making you full for a long time. Moreover, chewing well helps you not to be distracted when eating and feel the full flavor of the dish. That sends a signal to the brain and won't trigger cravings anymore.
Although losing 10 kg in 1 month is a big challenge and quite difficult, you can still do it. Besides, you should make sure that the living diet is always scientific so that when losing weight, your health will also improve better.

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