Do you need to abstain from chicken and shrimp when you have a cough?

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Seasonal weather changes from rainy to sunny, from hot to cold... the number of cases of cough and fever increases very high. There are many people who have the notion that it is necessary to abstain from shrimp and chicken when they have a cough because they think that these foods will make the cough worse.

1. Should I eat shrimp if I have a cough?

There has not been any scientific evidence that eating shrimp makes the cough worse. On the other hand, a cough will cause a feeling of fatigue and lead to a loss of appetite, especially in children. Thus, abstaining from foods in general and shrimp in particular during this time is very wrong. This can make the disease worse because of the loss of resistance due to lack of micronutrients and energy.
However, when it is said that coughing eats shrimp, it is caused by its shell and claws. When eating shrimp, if not peeled and removed, it will easily get stuck in the throat, causing an itchy throat and possibly a cough. As for the meat of shrimp, crab, and fish, it is absolutely not the cause of cough symptoms. In contrast, shrimp, crab and fish are rich in protein and are easy to digest. Therefore, abstaining from fishy substances that folk often say is fishy when children have a cough with phlegm, wheezing is a completely wrong concept.

2. Is it okay to eat chicken?

In folklore, there is a concept that abstain from eating chicken when coughing is ingrained in the habit, but that notion is completely wrong. Besides, for chicken in terms of nutrition, chicken is the best meat among all meats, because of its high nutritional value, protein content, and the highest protein content. In addition, chicken also has a lot of micronutrients with high nutritional value, especially zinc and iron. Zinc is one of the very important nutrients involved in the immune system, increasing resistance, easy digestion. Therefore, abstaining from chicken when coughing is not advisable. On the contrary, parents should give their children chicken meat supplements when coughing to increase the child's resistance. Therefore, abstaining from shrimp or chicken when coughing is completely wrong.

Thịt gà có giá trị dinh dưỡng cao giúp tăng sức đề kháng cho trẻ
Thịt gà có giá trị dinh dưỡng cao giúp tăng sức đề kháng cho trẻ

3. Nutrition for children when they have a cough

The thing to keep in mind about food when coughing is how it is prepared. For sick people, including cough and cold, the processing needs to be paid attention by housewives. Mothers need to process foods in a soft, liquid form that is easy to swallow, to avoid irritating itchiness leading to coughing. In addition, children with cough, eating hard foods will be difficult to swallow, leading to vomiting. For the problem of coughing, eating shrimp needs to be peeled, boneless chicken can be used to cook porridge, soup, ... to help children eat easily and enhance necessary nutrients and recover quickly.
Sea fish and other aquatic products with hard shells: shrimp, crabs, oysters, snails Egg whites: This is because egg whites contain 23 different types of glycoproteins - these are common allergens. cause food allergies. Some grains and seeds: flour, peanuts, soybeans. Peanuts are the most common cereal allergy in children over 4 years old. MSG (monosodium glutamate): May make asthma worse. Preservatives, food additives: Found in many foods and beverages, nitrate and nitrite salts (usually used as preservatives, flavoring and coloring agents), parabens. In addition, environmental factors, due to infections, viruses, bacteria, neurological factors, emotional changes are also risk factors leading to persistent cough in children and asthma. With the weather turning cold, parents need to pay attention to prevent cough for children. When a child has a cough, parents should not be too worried but should pay attention to health problems, increase nutrition and resistance to quickly recover health.
To prevent children from coughing due to flu, pneumonia, bronchitis ... parents should vaccinate their children fully according to age. Vinmec International General Hospital provides customers with a package vaccination program from children to adults with full benefits and accompanying services. In December 2019, Vinmec offers a special promotion program for customers who buy a package of immunizations for children aged 0-1 and 0-2 years old to receive a free Hepatitis B Vaccine. neonatal (injection immediately after birth) to the baby.

Tiêm chủng vắc-xin là biện pháp phòng bệnh tốt nhất hiện nay
Tiêm chủng vắc-xin là biện pháp phòng bệnh tốt nhất hiện nay
Vinmec uses a source of high-quality vaccines with clear origin, ensuring safety from importation, preservation to use; Vinmec preserves vaccines by a cold chain meeting GSP standards with a modern cold storage system, allowing vaccines to always be preserved in the best conditions; Experienced team of pediatric doctors and nurses, able to advise and handle complex vaccination situations; Strict process: Before vaccination, all children are screened before vaccination with pediatricians - vaccines to help ensure the best health for children when vaccinated. The doctor will advise the family on the best preventive vaccines, suitable for each age group according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health & World Health Organization as well as how to monitor the reaction after vaccination. -ask for; With the advantage of multi-specialty, Vinmec can effectively monitor and handle post-vaccination problems (if any); Modern facilities: Post-vaccination monitoring room is fully equipped with emergency facilities; The team of doctors - nurses are trained in anaphylaxis emergency treatment to ensure timely and correct treatment when an incident occurs. Vaccination room is airy, helping children feel comfortable and have a good mentality before and after vaccination. For detailed advice on vaccination programs at Vinmec, please contact HERE.
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