How long do TB bacteria live in the air?

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Tuberculosis bacteria are capable of being transmitted from person to person through inhalation and contact, so understanding the survival and survival characteristics of TB germs such as how long TB germs live in the air and at what temperature do they die. will help people to prevent the infection of TB in the best way.

1. Basic characteristics of tuberculosis bacteria

Tuberculosis is a bacillus about 0.4 x 3-5 mm in size, without a shell, without hair, and without spores. Tuberculosis bacilli stand in small clusters arranged in letters N, V, Y or stand alone, TB bacteria cannot be stained by conventional methods but red on Ziehl-Neelsen staining slides.
Tuberculosis bacteria are aerobic bacteria that cannot be cultured in normal environments but need nutrient-rich environments and grow slowly with a division time of about 18 hours/one division.
Bacteria that cause pulmonary tuberculosis, peritoneal tuberculosis, lymph node tuberculosis ... have high resistance to dry conditions and other physicochemical factors, called alcohol-resistant, acid-resistant bacteria, and chemicals used to kill bacteria. TB bacteria need to have a high concentration and a long exposure time to be effective.

Vi khuẩn gây bệnh lao thuộc loại vi khuẩn ưa khí
Vi khuẩn gây bệnh lao thuộc loại vi khuẩn ưa khí

2. How long does TB bacteria live in the air?

How long TB bacteria live in the air will depend on the main factors: temperature, humidity and darkness. The survival characteristics of TB bacteria are as follows:
TB bacteria can survive for a long time in the air from about 3-4 months In a humid and dark environment, TB bacteria can survive for up to 3 months. TB bacteria are aerobic bacilli, so in clinical cases, TB bacteria are most often found in the largest numbers in TB caves with bronchioles, which are rich in oxygen.

Vi khuẩn lao có thể tồn tại rất lâu trong môi trường không khí từ khoảng 3-4 tháng
Vi khuẩn lao có thể tồn tại rất lâu trong môi trường không khí từ khoảng 3-4 tháng

3. At what temperature do TB bacteria die?

At what temperature do TB bacteria die? This is a question that many people are interested in. Under different conditions of temperature as well as physicochemical agents, TB bacteria will survive for different periods of time:
Under sunlight: TB bacteria will usually die after about 1.5 hours At 42°C: TB bacteria stop growing At 80°C and above: TB bacteria die after 10 minutes Under UV exposure: TB bacteria only survive for about 2 -3 minutes In alcohol 90°: TB bacteria will be destroyed after 3 minutes In 5% phenic acid: TB bacteria only last about 1 minute Vinmec International General Hospital currently provides vaccination service. BCG for TB prevention of Vaccines and Medical Bio-products company, made in Vietnam.
The advantages of vaccination at Vinmec International General Hospital include:
Vaccines are imported and stored in a modern cold storage system, with a cold chain meeting standards. GSP standards, keeping vaccines in the best condition to ensure quality. Customers will be examined by specialist doctors, fully screened for physical and health problems, advised on preventive vaccines and injection regimens, how to monitor and take care of them after vaccination. Indications for vaccination according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health & World Health Organization to ensure the best effectiveness and safety for children. Undertake medical supervision before, during and after vaccination at Vinmec Health System and always have an emergency team ready to coordinate with the vaccination department to handle cases of anaphylaxis, respiratory failure - circulatory arrest, ensuring Ensure timely and correct handling when incidents occur. The vaccination room is airy, with a play area, helping customers feel comfortable as if they are walking and have a good mentality before and after vaccination. A team of experienced and professional pediatric doctors and nurses, understand children's psychology and apply effective pain relief methods for children during the vaccination process. 100% of vaccinated customers are monitored 30 minutes after injection and reassessed before leaving. For customers who are children, parents will receive a reminder message before the injection date and the child's vaccination information will be synchronized with the national immunization information system. To receive direct advice or schedule an appointment to vaccinate your child (including a repeat schedule), parents please book an appointment HERE or contact the nearest Vinmec International Clinic/Hospital Hotline.
What is the difference between lymph node tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis? How many types of tuberculosis are there? Tuberculosis is not contagious
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