Walking 1,000 extra steps a day can increase your life

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Walking has great benefits for physical and mental health. Findings from the American Heart Association show that people who walk every day have a significantly lower risk of death than those who are sedentary. So how many steps do you walk each day?

1. What is the effect of walking?

What is the effect of walking? Walking is a simple, easy and virtually inexpensive form of exercise. Aside from supportive shoes, walking requires almost no other special equipment. Walking is a great full-body exercise. Not only exercising the muscles of the entire leg, walking also combines the muscles of the abdomen, hips, back, and buttocks. Regular walking will bring enormous benefits to health.
Is walking good? Recent studies show that walking more steps per day will significantly improve your health status, thereby helping you live longer.
In short, walking a lot improves fitness, strengthens muscles, prevents falls and injuries. In the long run, taking more steps daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular events, and risk of death. Walking more each day improves sleep quality. Walking helps to lose weight and effectively reduce belly fat, reduce the risk of diabetes, slow down aging, and strengthen the immune system. Many studies have found that walking, even low-intensity walking, reduces symptoms of depression, slows down mental decline, and enhances positive emotions in the elderly. Findings by the American Heart Association show that people who take more steps each day have a significantly lower risk of death than those who are sedentary. It's worth noting that long walks and short walks provide the same benefits. So, if you don't have time to go a long way, force yourself to go more in your daily activities. This also helps to improve health significantly.

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Đi bộ là hình thức vận động đơn giản

2. How many steps do you walk each day?

A study was performed on 16,732 women 60 years of age and older, equipped with a pedometer worn at the waist. The study divided these women into two groups: one group would walk continuously for at least 10 minutes a day, and the other group would regularly walk short distances, like going up stairs or walking to the car.
How many steps do you walk each day? The researchers followed the study participants for an average of 6 years, until 2019. The results showed a 32% reduction in mortality in those who took at least 2000 steps per day. Walking 1000 steps per day is associated with a 28% decrease in mortality. In particular, the health benefits, obtained from taking 4,500 steps per day, were similar between those who walked long distances continuously and walked many short distances.

3. How to walk more steps every day?

Positive changes in your routine will help you walk more steps each day. If you are too busy to have a separate time for exercise, you can take a walk during your lunch break, walk in place while watching TV, or walk while cleaning the house. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator, you can park further away from the usual location to be able to walk more. Small but frequent steps taken throughout the day can add up to the amount of walking a long distance.

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Reference source: healthline.com

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