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Strengthen your muscles with calves and thigh exercises that will make climbing stairs, cycling, even walking easier. Because the leg area, especially the thighs, has a lot of muscle mass, strengthening the leg muscles through resistance exercises will help the body burn calories even while sitting still.
1. Benefits of exercises for thighs and exercises for shins
Strengthening the leg muscles is important for maintaining good health as we age. Regular exercise for the thighs and calves not only helps to increase resting metabolic rate, but also helps to increase the strength of an important muscle group for a healthy body.
Chhanda Dutta, a scientist with the National Institute on Aging who studies the effects of exercise on older adults, said: “The data shows that over time, we lose strength. stronger in the lower extremities than in the upper extremities. “From a functional standpoint, it's important for anyone who exercises to engage a variety of muscle groups, but especially to focus on the lower extremities because of the strength of the legs and ankles. are important for balance and prevent falls in the elderly.
According to Ben F. Hurley, PhD, professor of physiology at the University of Maryland, everyone, no matter how sedentary or active, young or old, can benefit from exercise and strengthen the muscles in the lower extremities.
2. Some exercises for thighs and exercises for legs
Some of the commonly recommended thigh building exercises include:
Squats: Squats are the most popular exercise for strengthening the quadriceps and other large muscle groups in the thigh area. However, you need to be aware that squats need to be performed carefully to avoid knee injuries. Basically, the squat consists of holding a barbell over the shoulder area behind the neck and lowering the body a few centimeters by kneeling. Do not lower too much, that will create pressure on the knee. Squats can also be performed without weights, simply by standing with your back against the wall, lowering your body a few inches by kneeling and standing up again. A safer way to do the squat is with a squat machine. Exercisers are asked to sit or lie with their legs against a platform connected to a stack of dumbbells. When stepping on the platform, the dumbbells will be lifted. Never extend your leg to the point where it is difficult for the knee to move as that could cause injury. Repeat this exercise 8 to 12 times, until your legs feel tired. When you can do more than 12 reps, increase the weight.
Specialized thigh machines: The use of exercise machines helps strengthen muscles by requiring the practitioner to sit with knees bent, feet locked behind a bar attached to a stack of weights. As you pull the stack of dumbbells forward with your calves, the movement of your legs engages all the muscles in your thighs. A similar machine helps train the muscle group on the back of the thigh. The practitioner lies facedown on a bench and hooks your heels under a bar. When you bend your legs and pull the bar upwards, you are working the muscles of the back of the thighs. Legs: Legs are a safe, easy to do, and effective thigh exercise that requires only one dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing the body. Step forward with your arms at your sides, parallel to your body, and bend your front leg's knee. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. Do this move 8 to 12 times with each leg. To work the calf muscles, lift a dumbbell and hold it against your thighs or hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms hanging straight down at your sides. Lift your heels off the floor 8 to 12 times. Increase the weight of the barbell or dumbbell as you get stronger.
Regularly performing exercises for thighs and exercises for calves will help you get the effect you want and improve your health significantly.
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