Privacy Policy of Vinmec International Hospital Joint Stock Company

I. General Principle

  • This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how Vinmec International General Hospital Joint Stock Company (“Vinmec” or “we”) collects, receives, aggregates, stores keep, use, process, disclose, share and secure Customer Information of organizations and individuals (“Customer” or “you”), including customers, agents, suppliers suppliers, contractors and partners: (i) use services provided directly at Vinmec medical examination and treatment facilities or other services provided by Vinmec and Vingroup; (ii) access and use customer interaction channels owned by Vinmec, including but not limited to: website, My Vinmec application, websites and groups on social networking sites (such as Facebook,...) is owned by Vinmec (“Vinmec Channel”) (the following items (i) and (ii) are collectively referred to as the “Services”).
  • “Customer Information” means any information, data that can be used to identify Customer or based on which Customer is identified, such as name, nationality, phone number, details banking and payment cards, personal preferences, email address, location, photo, ID/citizen identification card information, date of birth, marital status, insurance information, transaction information, Visit history, customer journey, biometric data, medical/health records.
  • Customers have read, understood and agreed to the content of the Privacy Policy. Vinmec may amend, supplement, and/or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Vinmec will post the revised, supplemented and/or updated Privacy Policy on the website The Customer's continued use, access to Vinmec Channel, continued use of the Services means that the Customer agrees to the revised, supplemented, and/or updated Privacy Policy content.
  • The Privacy Policy is bilingual in Vietnamese and English, if there is a discrepancy between the Vietnamese and English versions, the Vietnamese version shall prevail.
  • This Privacy Policy covers the following:
    • Customer Information We Collect
    • How We Protect Customer Information
    • How We Use Customer Information
    • How We Share Customer Information
    • Access and select
    • Contact information, notices and amendments
    • Some additional information for Europe

II. Customer Information we collect

We collect Customer Information in the course of providing the Services to our customers. Here are the types of information we collect:

1. Information customers provide to us

  • We collect any information you provide in connection with the Service in the course of conducting activities such as (i) using the Service or participating in scientific research projects/projects, clinical trials conducted by Vinmec; (ii) register to open an account, log in, and interact with Vinmec Channels; (iii) participating in seminars, customer events, contests, games, surveys/surveys or other events organized by Vinmec; (iv) use biometric function to identify individuals, authenticate transactions;...
  • The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the information provided by the Customer is complete, accurate and up-to-date in order to ensure the Customer's interests in accordance with the provisions of the respective service use. Vinmec is not responsible in case the Customer provides inaccurate or incomplete information according to the provisions of the Service.
  • For Customers who are under 18 years old, please ensure that you have full consent and approval of your father, mother or legal representative for the provision of Customer Information to Vinmec; parent or representative shall be bound by this Privacy Policy and responsible for Customer's conduct. Vinmec has the right to refuse the Customer to access the Vinmec Channel or provide related Services in case there are grounds that the Customer is under 18 years of age and has not obtained the aforementioned consent and approval from his/her father, mother or other person. legal representative.
  • In the event that the Customer provides information of any third party, the Customer represents and warrants that the Customer has obtained the full consent and consent of that third party for the Customer's provision of information. provide information to Vinmec and to Vinmec's use of such information in the manner and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Vinmec will not bear any responsibility to a third party in case the Customer provides information without the consent or approval of that third party. In this case, the Customer will bear all responsibility arising from the act of providing information that causes, including the settlement, at Customer's expense, any third party claims/claims to the Customer and/or Vinmec, reimburse Vinmec for any monies payable by Vinmec to a third party, if any, in connection with the aforesaid claim/complaint.

2. Automated Information: We automatically collect certain types of information when you interact with the Service.

Vinmec has the right to collect information and data related to activities performed by the Customer within the framework of the Service, including but not limited to information and data about service and goods providers for Customer, transaction information that Customer performs (type of goods, services, location, transaction time), payment method (does not store important data of payment cards used for the payment includes detailed card number, CVV number or other authentication code of equivalent legal validity), device information (such as IP address, operating system, browser type, hardware specifications, UDID, MEIDs, location, address of referring website (if any), pages visited by Customer from Vinmec Channel and mobile applications, number of hits, responses, file name, version and advertising identification and other relevant information (if any).

3. Collection and use of cookies

  • We use cookies, pixels and other similar technologies ( “cookies”) to identify your browser or device, learn more about your preferences, provide you with essential features and services and for other additional purposes, including
  • Identify you when you log in to use our Services. This allows us to provide you with recommendations, display personalized content, and provide other customized features and services.
  • Pay attention to the options you have approved. This allows us to respect your likes and dislikes, such as the language and configuration you choose.
  • Conduct research and analysis to improve our Services.
  • Preventing fraudulent behavior.
  • Improving security
  • Providing content, including advertising, relevant to your interests on our websites and third-party websites.
  • Measuring and analyzing the quality of the Services.
  • Cookies allow you to take advantage of some of our essential features. For example, if you block or refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use certain products or services that require you to log in, or you may have to manually adjust certain preferences. select or set a language each time you revisit our websites.
  • Approved third parties may also set cookies when you interact with the Services. These third parties typically include search engines, measurement and analysis service providers, social networks, and advertising agencies. Third parties use cookies in the delivery of content, including advertising relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their advertising and to perform certain services on our behalf.
  • You can manage browser cookies by your browser settings. The 'Help' feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to notify you when you receive a new cookie, how to disable cookies, and when cookies expire. term. If you disable all cookies on your browser, neither we nor the third party will be able to transfer cookies to your browser. However, if you do this, you may have to manually adjust some preferences each time you revisit the website, and some features and services may not work.

4. Information from other sources: We may collect information about you from other sources, including service providers, partners and publicly available sources.

III. How we protect Customer Information

  • At Vinmec, security is our highest priority. Our systems are designed with the safety and privacy of your information in mind. All Customer Information is kept confidential by Vinmec's system or service providers for Vinmec in accordance with the law and this Privacy Policy.
  • When collecting data, Vinmec will make its best efforts to the extent allowed to keep and secure Customer Information at the server system, and this Customer Information is secured by secure systems. firewall system, access control measures, data encryption. Vinmec has appropriate technical and security measures to prevent as much as possible the unauthorized access and use of Customer Information. Vinmec also regularly cooperates with security experts to update the latest information on network security to ensure the safety of Customer Information.
  • Your payment card information issued by financial institutions is protected by us according to international standards with the principle of not keeping important payment card data (card number, full name, number) CVV or other valid verification code) on our system. Your payment transactions are made on the system of the relevant bank or service affiliates/cooperators through Vinmec Channel.
  • Customers absolutely are advised of not using tools, programs or other methods to illegally interfere with the system or change the data structure of any Service, as well as perform any other behavior. Others to spread, promote activities with the purpose of interfering, sabotaging or infiltrating the data of the Vinmec system, as well as violations of Vietnamese law. In the event that we detect that you have committed a violation, we have the right to transfer information about the violation to the competent authorities for handling in accordance with the law.
  • You are responsible for protecting your account information and do not provide any information related to your account, password or authentication methods (eg OTP) accessed on websites, applications, software and other tools (if any).
  • We store Customer Information to ensure your continued ability to use the Services, and for as long as necessary to fulfill the Purposes, or as required by law (including both for tax and accounting purposes), or to perform other works as notified to you in advance. The length of time we retain specific Customer Information varies depending on the Purpose. When Customer Information is no longer necessary for the provision of the Services or Purposes or Vinmec no longer has a business or legal purpose to retain Customer Information, we will take steps to prevent access. access or use Customer Information for any purpose other than to comply with this Privacy Policy, or for safety, security, fraud detection and prevention purposes; or delete the identifying information part of Customer Information in accordance with the law.
  • Customer Information may be stored in, accessed from or transferred to many countries, including Vietnam. When we transfer your Customer Information to other countries, we will ensure that such information is transferred in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted under relevant laws and regulations.

IV. How We Use Customer Information

We use Customer Information to operate, provide and improve the Services for purposes (“Purposes”) including:

  • Provide Services: We use Customer Information to:
    • Provide the Service and process transactions related to the Service, including registration and payment;
    • Recommend Services that may be of interest to you, identify your preferences and personalize your experience with the Services;
    • Perform internal activities necessary to provide the service, including troubleshooting software failures and operational problems, conducting data analysis, testing and research, monitoring and analyzing trends directions for use and operation;
    • Protect the security or integrity of the Service and any means or equipment used to provide the Service;
    • Confirm transactions and make payments;
    • Create, administer and update the Customer's account, verify the Customer's identity;
    • Allow interaction between Customer and Vinmec or between User and associated partners (if any);
  • Measure, support and improve the Service: We use Customer Information to measure usage, analyze performance, fix bugs, provide support, improve and develop the Service.
  • Comply with a legal obligation: We have a legal obligation to collect, use or store your Customer Information under certain circumstances, including when requested or consulted. , recommended or required by legal counsel or by any legal regulation, by-law, document or request of any local or foreign government or authority, the request of competent state agencies including but not limited to information disclosure obligations, reporting in accordance with the law on promotion, record keeping, auditing, investigation and settlement of complaints or disputes, comply with court orders or other legal, written, or regulatory requirements; or other agreements; and protect our rights or property in the event of a claim or dispute.
  • Communication: We use Customer Information to communicate with our customers regarding the Service through various channels (e.g. email, chat) and to respond to your requests. .
  • Marketing: We use Customer Information to market and promote the Services. We may display Service advertisements based on your interests.
  • Fraud and Abuse Prevention, Asset and Credit Risks: We use Customer Information to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in order to protect the security of our customers, us and others. others. We may also use scoring methods to assess and manage asset and credit risk.
  • Certain purposes require your consent: We may obtain your consent to use Customer Information for a specific purpose when we contact you. .

V. How we share Customer Information

Customer Information is an important part of our operations, and we do not sell customer Customer Information to others. We only share Customer Information as outlined below and to the extent permitted by law. Third parties that receive Customer Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy are subject to this Privacy Policy, other similar policies, and relevant laws.

  • Comply with the requirements of competent state agencies, or as prescribed by law;
  • Transactions involving third parties: We provide you with services, software and content provided by third parties for use on or through the Services. You can know when a third party is involved in your transactions and we will share information regarding those transactions with that third party.
  • Third Party Service Providers: We use and/or partner with other companies and individuals to do some work on our behalf. Examples include: sending communications, processing payments, assessing compliance and credit risk, analyzing data, providing marketing and sales support (including advertising and event management). ), customer relationship management and training. Third parties providing this service have access to Customer Information necessary to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes. In addition, they must comply with this Privacy Policy and related privacy laws
  • Business Restructuring, Transfer: During business development, we may sell or buy businesses or restructure businesses or other services in accordance with the law. In such transactions, Customer Information, databases and the right to use information are generally one of the transferred business assets, but the transferee is still subject to the provisions of this Policy. this privacy (or when approved by the customer). In addition, in the event that Vinmec or most of Vinmec's assets are purchased by another company, your information will become one of the transferred assets.
  • Protecting us and others: We disclose account and other Customer Information when we believe it is appropriate to comply with the law, to enforce or apply other terms and agreements us or to protect the rights, property or security of us, our customers, or any other person. The foregoing may include exchanging information with other companies and organizations to prevent and detect fraud and reduce credit risk.
  • Subject to your choice: In addition to the circumstances described above, you will receive a notification when Customer Information about you may be shared with third parties and your choices regarding the sharing. information sharing.
  • Cases of sharing without consent: According to the provisions of current law, the Customer Information belongs to your medical information, at the discretion of the person in charge of the medical examination and treatment facility, may be shared by us to improve the quality of diagnosis, care and treatment among practitioners in the group that directly treats the patient; or allow a number of subjects to exploit records, including interns, researchers, and practitioners in medical examination and treatment establishments, to borrow medical records on the spot to read or copy in service of medical examination and treatment. research or professional and technical work; or at the request of a competent Vietnamese authority.

VI. Access and select

  • Unless otherwise required by law, you may view, update and delete certain information about your account and interactions with the Service. If you are unable to manually access or update your information, you can always contact us for assistance.
  • You have many choices regarding the collection and use of Customer Information. Many Services include functionality that allows you to make choices about how your information is being used. You may choose not to provide certain information, but then you may not be able to take advantage of certain Services.
    • Account information: If you want to add, update or delete information related to your account, please send an email to and follow Vinmec's instructions. When you update or delete any information, we usually keep a copy of the previous version for technical purposes.
    • Communication: If you do not wish to receive promotional messages from us, please unsubscribe or adjust your communication preferences, please email and do so according to Vinmec's instructions. If you do not wish to receive in-app notifications from us, please adjust the notification settings in your app or device.
    • Advertising: If you do not want to see interest-based advertising, please email and follow Vinmec's instructions.
    • d) Browsers and devices: The Help feature on most browsers and devices will tell you how to prevent your browser or device from accepting new cookies, how to notify you when you receive a new cookie or how to disable cookie functionality completely.

VII. Contact information, notices and amendments

Our business is constantly changing and this Privacy Policy may also be amended. You are advised to visit and check our website regularly for the most recent changes. Unless otherwise stated, our current Privacy Policy applies to all Customer Information we hold about you and your account.

If you have any privacy questions at Vinmec or would like to contact our information controller, please contact us and we will try to answer your questions... You can also contact us at the address below:

Privacy Policy of Vinmec International Hospital Joint Stock Company

VIII. Some additional information for Europe

We provide some additional information about the privacy, collection and use of Customer Information of our potential and existing customers in the European Union countries.

1. Customer Information Control Unit. Vinmec International Hospital Joint Stock Company (address at No. 458, Minh Khai street, Vinh Tuy ward, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi, Vietnam) is the controller of the collected Customer Information. collected or processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

2. Handling. We process Customer Information on one or more of the following legal bases:

  • Necessary to enter into a contract with you or the organization you represent, to perform contractual obligations, to provide the Services, to respond to requests from you, or to customer support
  • When we have a legitimate interest, as described in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy;
  • Necessary to comply with laws and legal obligations;
  • To respond to legitimate requests; or
  • Based on your consent.

3. Your rights. In accordance with the law, you have the following rights:

  • Ask if we hold Customer Information about you and request a copy of that Customer Information and information on how it is handled;
  • Request correction of incorrect Customer Information;
  • Request the removal of Customer Information that is no longer needed for the purposes of processing, information is processed based on consent but that consent has been withdrawn, or information processed is not in compliance the provisions of the current law;
  • Request that we suspended processing of Customer Information when processing is not appropriate;
  • Object to the processing of personal data;
  • Request the rotation of the Customer Information that you have provided to us (excluding information derived from the collected information), in the event that processing of such Customer Information is performed on the basis of consent or contract with you and done automatically; and
  • File a complaint with the competent authority if you believe that we have violated your privacy rights.

You can exercise your rights to access, correct, delete, request a suspension, object and request the circulation of information by contacting us. If you wish to exercise any of the above rights and you are our customer, please contact us. If you are not our customer, please contact us at the address in Section V above.

When you consent to us processing your Customer Information for a specific purpose, you may withdraw that consent at any time and we will cease all data processing activities by you. you for that purpose.

3. Transfer of information outside of the European Union

When we transfer Customer Information collected and stored in the European Union outside of the European Union, we will comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy and privacy laws. current. This may include data transfers under data transfer agreements that include a Standard Contractual Clause approved by the European Commission.

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