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Articles in Live Strong

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Benefits and dangers of water fasting to lose weight
Many studies show that water fasting can bring some health benefits such as reducing the risk of some chronic diseases and inducing autophagy - the condition of older parts of cells being broken down and recycled. However, fasting to lose weight also has certain benefits and dangers.
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What is the best heart rate zone for weight loss?
If you're the type of person who frequently checks your heart rate during exercise to ensure you're in the fat-burning zone, you should stop. In reality, there's no specific fat-burning zone that's the key to achieving a beautiful, balanced body.
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How to swim to lose weight and burn fat
Swimming is a safe and effective method of losing weight. The force of water combined with the movement of the whole body helps the muscular system become fitter, while also helping with blood circulation and, most notably, reducing excess fat.
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Athlete Heart Rate: When Is It Safe and When Is It High?
(When exercising, athletes' heart and breathing rates increase, delivering more oxygen from the lungs to the blood and then to the acting muscles)
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Does cycling make your butt bigger, true or false?
Cycling can impact the muscles in the buttocks and thighs, which might give the impression that this exercise can help enlarge your butt. However, cycling, regardless of intensity or uphill riding, is not sufficient to significantly increase the size of your gluteal muscles.
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Does wearing a waist trainer help tone your abs?
Waist trainers don't actually tone your abdominal muscles. Instead, it temporarily compresses and redistributes the fat and skin around your abdomen. A balanced diet and regular exercise are essential for achieving a flat stomach.
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Exercises for People with Bowed Legs
Bowed legs, a structural condition of the lower limbs, can affect the aesthetic appearance of the body. For fixed bowleg deformities caused by bone positioning, surgery is the only option. However, if the condition stems from tight hip muscles, targeted exercises can help engage the muscles and guide the knees back to their proper alignment, improving leg rotation and gradually correcting the appearance of the legs.
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What Happens If You Do 100 Push-Ups Every Day?
Push-ups are a simple yet highly effective exercise you can perform almost anywhere. They are a staple in many fitness routines and can be adapted for various goals. However, you may have wondered: what happens if you do 100 push-ups every day? Is doing this many push-ups beneficial for your health?
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Typically, arm exercises involve the use of weights. However, there are plenty of exercises that strengthen and tone your arms effectively without requiring any fancy equipment. Here are 8 arm exercises you can try without weights: bicep curls to push press, arm circles, and more.
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12 Types of Massage: Which One is Suitable for You?
Different types of massage focus on different parts of the body or methods of treating diseases. During the massage, the therapist will apply light or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body to relieve pain and reduce stress. Below is information about the types of massage and suggestions for choosing the right type of massage for each subject.
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Headache after massage: Causes and treatment
Massage brings many health benefits, besides this therapy is also known as a headache treatment method. However, some people may experience headaches after massage. So what is the cause of headaches after massage and how to handle it?
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