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Articles in Live Strong

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Too much sleep can lead to heart disease, risk of death
What's wrong with sleeping too much, sleeping too much is good or not is a matter of concern for everyone. Because it is not always good to sleep a lot and this harm will accumulate over time and then occur.
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Regular physical activity has amazing health benefits
Regular physical activity can increase the production of hormones that make you feel happier and help you sleep better.... Whether you practice a specific sport or follow the 150 minutes of exercise guidelines each week, you're sure to improve your health in many ways.
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20 common reasons why you can't lose weight
Losing weight is a process, and one that doesn't always happen as quickly as you'd like. While healthy weight loss can take time, there are reasons why you may not be losing the weight you want. There are many things that can affect weight loss, here are 20 common reasons why you're not losing weight.
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Water fasting for weight loss: Benefits and risks
Many studies have shown that fasting can bring some health benefits such as reducing the risk of some chronic diseases and stimulating the autophagy process (breaking down and recycling old parts of cells). However, losing weight by fasting also has certain positive aspects and risks.
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Healthy nutrition in your 50s and 60s
Age 50 - 60 is the stage where human physiology changes a lot. Therefore, nutritional needs during this stage will also change, requiring nutritional knowledge to respond promptly. Nutrition for age 50 or nutrition for age 60 has important points that need to be changed to ensure health at this age.
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Foods that help you focus more
Improving your ability to concentrate will help you complete tasks beyond your expectations. In addition to helping your brain improve its ability to concentrate by exercising, listening to music, etc., you can add foods to your daily meals. So what should you eat to concentrate better?
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What are dairy products?
Milk and dairy products are essential foods, rich in nutrients such as fat, protein, sugar, vitamins, minerals and water. They help the body develop, improve health and increase the ability to prevent diseases. Dairy products are very diverse and consumed worldwide.
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10 tips for proper nutrition
Modern life gives people more choices of food for daily meals. However, a varied meal may not really provide us with enough necessary micronutrients. So what is a reasonable diet?
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Does weight training make you short?
The health and fitness industry is rife with myths, regardless of scientific advice from experts. One question that often comes up in the fitness world is: Does lifting weights make you shorter? If you are a parent of a child under the age of 18, you may be wondering whether the strength training exercises your child is doing at the gym will stunt their growth.
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What is the best fabric to wear if you have sensitive skin?
One of the most basic tips for sensitive skin-friendly clothing is to avoid synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester. They don’t breathe as well as natural fibers, and can cause irritation and discomfort even for those without sensitive skin.
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Is it possible to lose belly fat without exercise and diet?
Everyone's body stores fat at different rates. The lower abdomen tends to be the area where most fat accumulates, which can be due to genetics, diet, inflammation, or lifestyle habits. Patience is key to losing belly fat, but you'll need to make some changes to optimize the process.
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