Why should people with insomnia take magnesium B6?

Some people with insomnia take magnesium B6 to improve their sleep. Theoretically, magnesium can calm the central nervous system and is effective in cases where mineral deficiencies affect sleep.

Chronic insomnia can lead to serious consequences for both physical and mental health. Some people with insomnia take magnesium B6 to improve their sleep, although it has not been proven, but theoretically, magnesium may help calm the central nervous system and be effective in cases where mineral deficiencies impact sleep.

1. What are the effects of the mineral magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral found in bones, muscles, and cells throughout the human body. For men, the daily magnesium requirement is approximately 350g, while women need around 290g. Magnesium not only helps relax fatigued muscles but also improves conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and migraines. Additionally, magnesium has a significant impact on sleep when used properly.

2. Why should magnesium B6 be taken for insomnia?

With its ability to relax muscles, magnesium has long been considered a natural sedative and is increasingly used, especially for those suffering from insomnia. Studies show that elderly individuals with insomnia who take magnesium B6 may fall asleep faster and are less likely to wake up too early. This is primarily due to magnesium's natural sedative effect, which helps reduce the level of stress hormones in the body. When cortisol levels decrease, the sleep hormone melatonin increases, promoting faster and longer sleep. Proper magnesium supplementation can help relax muscles, reduce cortical stimulation, and make it easier for individuals to fall asleep. However, it is important to note that magnesium should not be taken for more than six months.

Magnesium can be supplemented from various sources, such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole grains. Additionally, magnesium supplementation through functional foods can significantly increase magnesium levels. However, excessive magnesium intake may lead to nausea, vomiting, flushing, urinary retention, and lethargy.

3. Methods to improve sleep besides magnesium

There is no denying the effectiveness of magnesium B6 supplementation in improving sleep, especially for patients with chronic insomnia. However, excessive or prolonged magnesium intake is not advisable, therefore, implementing the following methods can help improve sleep in a healthier way:

  • Go to bed as soon as you feel sleepy.
  • If you can’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed, engage in light activities around the house, and then try to sleep again.
  • Wake up at the same time every morning, regardless of how much sleep you got the night before.
  • Avoid coffee, tea, or stimulants in the afternoon.
  • Limit drinking large amounts of water before bedtime.
  • Practice relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, or other stress-reducing activities.

Taking magnesium B6 can help calm the central nervous system and is effective in cases of mineral deficiency. In addition to using dietary supplements, patients should adopt a healthy diet and maintain a regular lifestyle to improve sleep quality.

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