What should gym goers eat after a workout?

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Choosing the right foods to eat after exercising also contributes to increasing training results. At the end of a workout, it's important to refuel your body with a combination of protein and carbs, helping you recover and build muscle.

1. Eggs and whole-wheat toast

The amount of carbs in toast helps you restore the energy burned during exercise, while the fiber also keeps blood sugar levels stable. What should gym eat to gain weight? Eating raw bread with a fried egg will increase the effect. Eggs are a complete source of protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids the body needs to build muscle. If you don't have time to prepare this post-workout meal, you can pre-boil an egg and bring it along with a loaf of wholemeal bread or commercially available crackers.

2. Chocolate milk

As a favorite drink of many young people, chocolate flavored gym milk has the ideal ratio of 4 carbs to 1 protein, helping to refuel the body and rebuild muscle. One study found that athletes who drank a cup of chocolate milk after a workout recovered faster than those who drank a sports drink (carb-only, no protein). Plus, 90% of chocolate milk is water. So this drink also replenishes the fluid lost during exercise. In addition, whey protein gym milk with vanilla or strawberry flavor is also a popular drink.

3. Whole wheat bread with chicken

After finishing your workout, you can have a chicken sandwich with a snack or lunch. Whole grains give you carbs from fiber, and each 3-ounce (85g) serving of chicken (turkey) has 19 grams of protein. Instead of mayonnaise, you can substitute with a creamy avocado sauce to increase the potassium and magnesium content - two minerals that help fight muscle cramps. Plus, avocados are also rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats and packed with vitamins.

Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt cung cấp một lượng lớn chất xơ
Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt cung cấp một lượng lớn chất xơ

4. Greek Yogurt

One cup of Greek yogurt with fresh fruit provides 20 grams of protein. You can add more nutrients by upping your intake of fruit to add energy-boosting carbs. If you use blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants, you will get more benefits. Research shows that eating it after a workout can help reduce exercise-induced muscle inflammation.

5. Salmon with sweet potato

Salmon is high in protein and omega-3 - heart-healthy fats that help reduce post-workout muscle inflammation and avoid soreness. Eating salmon with a baked sweet potato gives you over 23 grams of carbs and 3.8 grams of fiber, just enough to fill your stomach. You'll also get all the vitamin A you need in a day to boost your immunity. If using mashed sweet potatoes, skip the high-calorie butter and cream sauce. You can substitute a few drops of olive oil.

6. Brown rice, chicken and vegetables

Skinless chicken breast is considered a fat loss food because it contains 27 grams of protein but only 142 calories. Chicken is also high in vitamin B6 - an important nutrient for the immune system. Eating chicken with brown rice and vegetables is the perfect combination to ensure carbs and nutrients.

7. Water

Water is very necessary for the body, especially for gym people. The amount of water to consume during exercise is:
Before exercise: About 2 - 3 cups; During exercise: About 1/2 - 1 cup every 15-20 minutes; After exercise: About 2 - 3 cups for every 500 grams of weight lost from exercise (you can weigh yourself before and after your workout).

Nước rất cần cho cơ thể, đặc biệt cho người tập gym
Nước rất cần cho cơ thể, đặc biệt cho người tập gym

8. Sports drinks

If you only exercise for 1 hour or less, plain water is all you need. But if your workout routine is intense and lasts more than an hour, your body will need extra electrolytes. These are minerals, including sodium, potassium and magnesium, that help you stay hydrated, making up for the mass lost through sweating. Look for a beverage with electrolytes, such as a sports drink or coconut water. Keep an eye on the calories and sugar in bottled sports drinks, especially if you're trying to lose weight.

9. Grilled meat

Around the issue of what to eat at the gym, experts say that people who exercise regularly need more protein than the average person, especially after a workout. The body uses protein to repair muscles, make blood cells, and perform many other functions. When having lunch or dinner, choose a leaner dish, like chicken or ribs, instead of a richer dish like cheese. This is also an appropriate suggestion for the question of what to eat after the gym to gain weight.

10. Berries

After a workout, eat a bowl of berries (mulberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries,...) instead of drinking a bottle of fruit juice. A lot of the fiber in fruit is lost when you make juice. As mentioned, blueberries have been shown to reduce muscle soreness caused by strenuous exercise. In addition, cherries are also a good suggestion for the question of what to eat after exercising.

11. Vegetables, beans and seeds

When you exercise regularly, you tend to think you burned more calories than you actually did. So if you feel like you deserve a cookie after your workout, you should also try to dismiss that thought and snack on fruits and vegetables. After exercise, choose vegetables, beans, and seeds rich in plant-based protein to both feel fuller and build muscle.
When exercise is done, your body is ready to refuel and rebuild muscle tissue. In addition to choosing what to eat after exercising, as suggested above, you should also pay attention to the best time to eat within 1 hour of completing the exercises. Combining the right foods with the right supplements at the right time will contribute to improving the effectiveness of your workouts, and at the same time keeping your body in a healthy state.
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Reference source: webmd.com
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