The effect of lifting weights every day

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Whether your goal is to become a bodybuilder or build bigger muscles, lifting weights can not only help you stay in great shape, but it can also support healthier joints, improve Improves heart health and promotes weight loss. But like all forms of exercise, if you don't allow your muscles time to recover, lifting weights every day can backfire.

1. Lifting weights every day helps your muscles grow bigger and stronger

Any daily weightlifting routine or otherwise has benefits for your muscles and health. How you train depends on your fitness goals. If you want to lift heavier weights, your strength training program will be different from someone who wants to build bigger muscles.
Prince Brathwaite, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer and owner of Trooper Fitness, says: “Before giving anyone a workout plan, I always define what their goals are.”
Workout programs differ according to three main characteristics: volume, intensity and rest time. That's because the muscle fibers you work on are different and the way you do them varies depending on your goal.
You have two main types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch Type I and fast-twitch Type II. Type I muscle fibers need a steady stream of oxygen to activate during endurance exercise, such as running, cycling, and swimming. Type II muscle fibers are used in explosive movements such as lifting heavy weights.
Following a higher rep range at a lower intensity will help you train type I muscle fibers, which in turn increase your muscular endurance. Lower rep ranges at higher intensity will help you train your Type II muscle fibers to increase muscle size.

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Nâng tạ mỗi ngày giúp cơ bắp phát triển to hơn và khỏe hơn

2. Weightlifting exercises according to training goals

While lifting weights every day will help you reach your strength goals, it's important to make sure you let your muscles recover properly, so it's best to avoid working the same muscle groups every day .
If your goal is to build muscle endurance, give your muscles at least 24 hours to recover between workouts. If you are looking to increase muscle size, rest for 24 to 72 hours. Take 48 to 72 hours of rest if you're doing endurance and strength training.
When you strength train, you tear muscle fibers, but that's part of the process of growing muscle size. You shouldn't lift weights with the same muscle groups every day because muscles need to heal to rebuild.
For example, you can focus on training your lower body, including glutes, hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors on Mondays, then chest and back muscles on Tuesdays . This way, one muscle group is being restored while the other is being worked on.

3. What are the effects of lifting weights other than muscle improvement?

3.1. Lifting weights helps you burn fat and possibly lose weight Lifting weights every day can support your weight loss goals by helping you burn calories and reduce total body fat. While you can't immediately lose fat in specific areas like the belly, strength training will promote body fat loss by building muscle and increasing metabolic rate.
Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest and will burn calories even after the workout is over. For people who regularly lift weights, they will have physiological changes including a decrease in body fat percentage, increase in muscle mass and increase in bone density.
The prolonged calorie burn is caused by a process known as post-exercise excess oxygen consumption (EPOC), also known as post-exercise burn, which is a measure of the amount of oxygen needed for your body to recover. During resistance training your body needs more oxygen then to restore normal metabolic function and this process burns calories.
A very small June 2015 study in men published in the Quarterly Journal of Exercise and Sports Research found that endurance training as well as interval training produce metabolic rates quality at rest 12 h and 21 h post-exercise compared with steady-state aerobic exercise.
To increase the calorie-burning effect of your daily lifts, add some combination exercises that challenge multiple muscle groups and joints at once, and make the rest intervals shorter .

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Nâng tạ giúp bạn đốt cháy calo và giảm lượng mỡ toàn thân hiệu quả

3.2. Lifting weights every day can improve your VO2 max. When you're strength training, you're increasing muscle activation, which requires a constant supply of oxygen-rich blood, thus improving cardiac endurance. your circuit.
Although lifting weights will not improve your VO2 max in the same way that HIIT training can. Incorporating some strength training into these routines can help improve your VO2 max.
You can integrate HIIT and weight training by performing two to four exercises using a muscular endurance program of high reps and low weights with fewer sets and 30 seconds Rest between exercises.
Following this program will make your heart stronger. An example of this type of exercise program is where you can do rotations, push-ups, and back pulls.
3.3. Lifting weights keeps your bones strong After age 30, you begin to lose 3 to 5 percent of your muscle mass every 10 years, a process known as fat loss, according to Harvard Health Publishing. This loss of muscle mass leads to poorer mobility and an increased risk of falls and fractures. Sarcopenia is mainly the result of changes in hormones due to aging.
However, you can help prevent weakness by lifting weights regularly. Focus especially on strength training exercises that stimulate your fast-twitch muscle fibers, because most muscle loss you experience affects type II muscle fibers.
According to a May 2013 study in the journal Experimental Gerontology, the decrease in muscle mass with aging is largely due to the smaller size of type II muscle fibers. Basically, if you don't use them, you lose them.
Based on Wolff's law by German surgeon and anatomist Julius Wolff, your bones will adapt to the pressure they have to lift, so by gradually increasing the load your bones will adapt to withstand more pressure.

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Nâng tạ thường xuyên giúp xương của bạn luôn chắc khỏe

4. Improper weight lifting can be harmful to the body

Like all forms of exercise, if you don't allow your muscles time to recover, lifting weights every day can be counterproductive.
4.1. If you're lifting weights every day and not getting enough time for a healthy diet and sleep to allow your body to recover, you could be overtraining and causing injury. , which can lead to unwanted weight loss.
Experts recommend resting one to two days between workouts and varying the muscles you're working on during each workout to give them enough time to recover.
Exceeding the limit in weight training can be due to overtraining or exhaustion. This can be caused by not having enough rest for your body to repair itself and heal the damage caused by exercise.
Some of the ways you can prevent overdoing your body is to make your rest days full, keep your training programs simple and focus on the exercises be guided by experts or coaches.
During the recovery days, remember to give your body a real rest. You can do light stretching, mobility, sponge rolling, and yoga to soothe sore muscles from lifting and promote healing, while staying active.
Paying careful attention to your diet is also important. Make sure you're getting the right amount of protein, carbs, and healthy fats for your body to recover and fuel for your upcoming workouts.
4.2. You could get hurt Resistance training can become detrimental if you over-train or if you fail to address any muscle imbalances. Lifting weights every day on the same muscle groups and joints, can lead to muscle overuse injuries.
In fact, muscle overuse injuries, such as biceps tendonitis, don't just happen from repetitive motions. They can occur due to too frequent training and inappropriate loads.
Choosing a load is very important, if you lift heavy weights without a warm-up and gradually increase the weight appropriately, you may be at risk of injury. If you are new to weightlifting it is important to clarify this with your healthcare provider or a physical therapist.
You should work with a certified trainer to ensure that you are lifting weights with good intensity and are addressing any imbalances that could lead to injury.
Ultimately, whether or not you should lift weights every day depends on your goals and the muscle group you're targeting. Training the same muscle groups every day will not allow them to recover fully, so it's best to alternate training different muscle groups on training days.
Hope the above information has provided you with more options and answers to the effects of lifting weights every day. Wish you always have a scientific diet and improve your work productivity and improve your life.

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