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Articles in Live healthy

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How to eat to live healthy?
To help you improve your diet and health in the long term. However, if you are trying to live a healthier life, in addition to focusing on foods to have a reasonable and safe meal for your health, you should also exercise, get enough sleep and create good relationships in society.
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Top 10 foods and drinks for muscle recovery
When you engage in high-intensity activities such as cycling, running, or weight training can sometimes lead to muscle pain. Muscle pain not only makes you feel uncomfortable but also disrupts your training regimen and affects your daily routine. However, there are many methods to relieve muscle pain, minimize muscle damage caused by exercise, and increase speed of recovery process. Below are top 10 foods and drinks to support muscle recovery.
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Types of belly fat and how to fix it
Having belly fat is sometimes a concern about the body shape of many people and everyone wants to find a way to quickly reduce belly fat. However, there are different types of belly fat, depending on the body characteristics, diet and lifestyle of each individual. Therefore, each person needs to know how to recognize what type of belly fat they have in order to build a suitable plan to overcome belly fat.
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Yoga poses for weight loss
Practicing yoga will help you develop physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga is also a very effective tool in helping you lose weight more actively after a gentle, relaxing yoga session. Many experts agree that yoga works in many different ways to bring about a healthy weight.
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How many calories does cycling take?
We all want to know how many calories we burn cycling for 20 minutes or 30 minutes, an hour or a mile, but it can be hard to get an exact figure. You can find quick and easy calculators for how many calories you burn cycling, but sometimes it's as simple as that.
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Does cycling help lose weight?
If you're looking to lose a few pounds, cycling is a great thing, and fun too! Cycling long distances, or short and fast rides, are both healthy and fun. What you eat also matters, although you don't have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight.
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Is taking the stairs considered exercise?
You don't have much time to exercise, so you always try to incorporate exercise into your daily activities, such as climbing stairs. So is taking the stairs considered exercise?
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well-organized workout plan should include flexibility, mobility, balance, core, cardiovascular, and strength training. How do you incorporate all of these elements without spending too much time in the gym?
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4 best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs
Building muscle not only improves muscle size and mass but also brings many benefits to overall health. Because, as we age, muscle mass is lost every year due to the aging process. This article will provide information on exercises to help strengthen muscles including the calves.
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Physical: Definition, elements and types
Maintaining a good level of fitness is something we should all do. But it can be difficult to determine how much to do. However, there are many health benefits: Being physically fit can help prevent certain diseases, increase muscle strength due to fiber hypertrophy and nerve changes, and can alleviate some medical problems.
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Exercises to help flat stomach slim waist
To have a balanced body, we must exercise regularly. But sometimes we do not have enough will and time to do it. The solution to this problem is quite simple. Below are some exercises to help flatten the stomach and slim the waist effectively and suit your time and work.
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