Instructions for correct breathing when jogging

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Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Nguyen Khoa Binh - Vinmec Nha Trang General Hospital

In addition to knowing the correct posture in running, correct breathing is also very important. The goal of breathing when running is to breathe in O2, exhale CO2, thereby increasing endurance, increasing the joy of runners when training and avoiding the risk of injury.

Doctor Nguyen Khoa Binh - Vinmec Nha Trang said that when landing at the same time as exhaling, the foot on the ground will bear more force than when breathing in. When the runner breathes into an even rhythm, only one foot will land on the correct exhale. Therefore, the practitioner should choose an odd breathing rhythm. For example, when running at a slow pace, runners should inhale with 3 foot beats and exhale with 2 foot beats.
So when jogging, the practitioner should "breathe through the nose or mouth?". According to doctor Nguyen Khoa Binh, breathing through the nose or mouth depends on the level of running and running experience of each person. If breathing through the mouth, the air is not cleaned, warmed, warm enough. However, when running with high intensity, the runner's body is forced to breathe through both the mouth and the nose.
In addition, the practitioner also needs to pay attention to breathing deeply with the abdomen and diaphragm when jogging.

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