Instructions on how to use digestive enzymes

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Video content is professionally consulted by Pharmacist Cao Thanh Tu - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

When children show signs of anorexia, diarrhea... the first thing parents often think of is giving their children digestive enzymes. In fact, digestive enzymes are products that do not require a doctor's prescription, but to use them effectively, parents need to understand the mechanism of action and how to use them to avoid negative consequences for the digestive system and growth process. of children.

According to Pharmacist Cao Thanh Tu - Vinmec Times City, on the market, there are 2 types of preparations to support children's digestion: probiotics and digestive enzymes. In fact, these two products are different in terms of ingredients and uses. Therefore, mothers need to make a clear distinction to use it at the right time, in the right place, both to support digestion for the child, and not to affect the development later. Specifically:
Digestive enzymes (also known as enzymes) are enzymes secreted by the body's own glands, which work to digest and absorb food. Like the digestive enzyme alpha amylase - maltase, the protein digesting enzyme chymotrypsin, papain, pepsin...fat-digesting enzyme lipase, cholesterase... Probiotics are synthetic preparations that help supplement nutrients. beneficial bacteria for the intestinal tract such as: Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus subtillis, Streptococcus faecalis... to create a balance of bacteria in the digestive system. Digestive enzymes should be used in cases such as:
Children with bloating, indigestion, loss of appetite; Feeling full even after eating a little; Passing raw stools, diarrhea; Constipation, stomach cramps; Eat for a long time; Supports digestion when children are intolerant of certain foods. The above symptoms may last for a few days or longer, if they appear with strange symptoms, the mother should take her child to the hospital for an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.
Probiotics can be used in the following cases:
Children with intestinal dysbiosis are common in patients who have just been treated with antibiotics, with manifestations of raw stools, diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal distention, and confusion. disorders of the digestive system,... Want to increase the intestinal absorption of vitamins; strengthen the body's immune system; prevent and reduce the severity of acute diarrhea in children, diarrhea caused by bacteria... Use probiotics directly or mixed with boiled water to drink. Should take probiotics after taking antibiotics about 2 hours, to avoid beneficial bacteria being accidentally killed by antibiotics if 2 drugs and probiotics are used close to each other. The confusion between digestive enzymes and microorganisms will make the child's digestive system not improve, even worse. Therefore, parents need to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for use.

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