How to sleep better as you get older

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Older adults who do not sleep well are more likely to suffer from depression, problems with attention and memory, and excessive daytime sleepiness. Not getting enough sleep can also lead to health disorders such as weight problems, increased risk of chronic non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. Sleeping well in the elderly is a matter of concern for many people.

As we age, the body produces lower levels of growth hormone, leading to less melatonin - the hormone important for sleep, so it is more difficult for older people to sleep well than when they were younger, they will wake up frequently during the night. There is no one-size-fits-all amount of sleep, however, experts recommend that older adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. For the elderly to sleep well, it is important to understand the underlying causes of sleep problems and find ways to correct them.

1.Causes of insomnia in the elderly

Irregular sleep time, watching TV, using electronic devices or drinking alcohol before bed. Health disorders such as nocturia, pain, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis, heartburn at night, and Alzheimer's disease can interfere with sleep. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and sleep breathing disorders - such as snoring and sleep apnea - are also factors that prevent the elderly from getting a good night's sleep. Menopause and post-menopause often have hot flashes and night sweats that can disrupt sleep, and even after menopause, sleep problems can continue. Older adults tend to take more medications than younger people, the side effects of which can be insomnia. If you are too sedentary, older adults may never feel sleepy or feel sleepy all the time. Stress is also the cause that makes it difficult for the elderly to sleep well, this stress comes from significant life changes such as retirement, living, lack of friends, ... Light The sun helps regulate melatonin and the sleep-wake cycle. Therefore, lack of sunlight also reduces the ability of the elderly to sleep well, try to get at least two hours of sunlight every day.

Thiền hoặc hít thở sâu là cách ngủ ngon cho người cao tuổi
Thiền hoặc hít thở sâu là cách ngủ ngon cho người cao tuổi

2.Improve bedtime habits for the elderly to sleep well

In many cases, older adults can improve the quality of their sleep by addressing emotional issues, improving the sleep environment, and practicing healthy habits. However, because everyone is different, it may take some experimentation to find the specific changes that work best to improve nighttime sleep. Refer to the following habit adjustments to answer the question of how to get a good night's sleep in the elderly.
Increasing levels of melatonin - the hormone that causes sleepiness naturally will help older people sleep better. Artificial light at night can suppress the body's production of melatonin, use low-powered light bulbs in safe places, turn off televisions and computers at least an hour before bedtime, do not read from a backlit device at night. Make sure the bedroom is quiet, the temperature is cool, and the bed is comfortable. We often become more sensitive to noise as we age, and light and heat can also cause sleep problems. Using earplugs or a sleeping mask can be a good way to sleep for the elderly. Keep a regular bedtime routine for better sleep, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day of the week. Adjust your bedtime to match when you want to go to bed, even if it's earlier than before. Establish gentle rituals before bed. Bathing, playing music, stretching, meditating or breathing deeply can help older people sleep better. Limit sleep aids and sleeping pills. Sleeping pills do not address the cause of insomnia and may even make insomnia worse in the long run. Watch now: 8 ways to improve sleep quality for old age

3. Adjust eating, exercise and stress to help the elderly sleep well

3.1. Adjusting eating habits to help the elderly sleep well

Do not go to bed hungry but also avoid large meals, limit spicy foods and cut down on sugary foods before going to bed, eat a moderate dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed. Limit caffeine, avoid coffee, tea, soda, chocolate at the end of the day. Avoid drinking alcohol before bed, it may seem like alcohol makes you sleepy, but in fact it will disrupt sleep. Reduce water intake before going to bed to limit how often you have to get up to go to the bathroom at night.

Tập thể dục cũng là một cách ngủ ngon cho người cao tuổi
Tập thể dục cũng là một cách ngủ ngon cho người cao tuổi

3.2. Exercise is also a good way to sleep for the elderly

Exercise - especially aerobic activity - releases chemical mediators in the body that help older people sleep better. Even if you have mobility problems, there are countless activities you can do to prepare yourself for a good night's sleep, but always consult your doctor before embarking on any exercise program. which new.
Gentle swimming exercises to strengthen fitness and is good for sore joints or weak muscles, swimming creates a feeling of relaxation and helps the elderly sleep better. If you love movement and music, go dancing or take a dance class, this is both a good night's sleep for the elderly and a great way to connect socially. Cycling, running or walking are ways to help older people sleep better. If the elderly are in good shape, they can run and cycle for the rest of their lives, otherwise walking is also very helpful. These activities can all be done outdoors or on a stationary bike or treadmill.

3.3. Dealing with stress helps the elderly sleep better

Stress, thinking too much makes it difficult for the elderly to fall asleep. Try these tips:
Write down a to-do list, tick off tasks as done, list goals for tomorrow and then do them, this reduces stress Not worth it, helping the elderly sleep better. Listening to soothing music, reading a book creates a feeling of relaxation and is a way to sleep well for the elderly that many people apply. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. Look for an opportunity during the day to chat face-to-face with a friend about what's going on. If the above attempts at sleep problems are unsuccessful, keep a sleep diary and schedule an appointment with your doctor to seek advice on how to get a good night's sleep for the elderly. Write down how long you've been using alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, and keep track of medications, exercise, lifestyle changes, and recent stressors for older adults who are having trouble sleeping. The doctor may then refer them to a sleep specialist or cognitive behavioral therapist for further treatment, especially if the insomnia is taking a toll on their health, mood, and well-being. quality of life.
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