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Tag Good nights sleep
Articles in Good nights sleep
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Eating before bed: Good or bad?
Many people think that eating before bed is a bad idea to avoid gaining weight. On the contrary, some experts say that eating a light snack before bed can help you lose weight effectively. The truth is that the effects of eating before bed vary from person to person and depend on many other factors.
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Controlling sleep interruptions: Eat right to create a good night's sleep
Improving sleep quality with sleeping pills is only a temporary solution. Instead, you should choose a simple diet and lifestyle to control sleep in the long term without causing any health effects.
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How to sleep well?
Sleep plays an extremely important role in restoring human health after a long day of work. According to health experts, sleep is considered a vital activity of humans: Helps regenerate, restore labor, relax the mind, and feel comfortable.
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Eating grapes good for sleep?
A recent study found that grapes contain melatonin. So it is believed that eating grapes before bed will help you sleep better. Is this really true?
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9 best foods to eat before going to bed
If you are tired of insomnia, poor sleep, try one of these foods before bed that can help you fall asleep faster. And the following article will provide information about the 9 best foods you should eat before bed.
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7 amazing things that happen to your body when you sleep
Like exercise and a healthy diet, good sleep is an essential part of good health. Good sleep helps the body recover both physically and mentally. This article will explain the effects of sleep on health and why you should get good sleep.
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Age 40 how much sleep is enough for a day?
Sleep is an important physiological activity that reflects the health status of a person and is a biological indicator that takes up an average of about 1/3 of the day. At different ages, the amount of sleep needed each day is also different. Accordingly, how much sleep is enough for a 40-year-old is a matter of concern to many people.
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Tips to feel better throughout the day
Mental health is one of the biggest concerns today. The question often asked is how to overcome obstacles in life happily and how to become better after facing life's events.
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Medical conditions that can cause chronic insomnia
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep or wake up too early. Chronic insomnia can be caused by many factors, both physical and mental. Common causes of insomnia include chronic pain, cancer, and diabetes.
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A healthy diet can improve your sleep
Diet is one factor that can affect the quality of sleep. Some foods and drinks can improve sleep, while others can make it worse. Quality sleep is closely related to the ability to maintain an ideal body weight and can have some benefits for those who intend to lose weight.
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6 signs that you need to change your mattress
Your mattress may not be the first thing you think of when you’re having trouble sleeping. But your body can tell when it’s time to replace it before you do. There are many reasons why your mattress may be damaged or need to be replaced to help you sleep better. This article will provide more information about mattress usage and when to replace your mattress.
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