How to run sustainably without stomach pain

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Endurance running is an easy sport to practice, suitable for all types of practitioners. However, newbies often experience hip pain and abdominal pain. Therefore, you need to know the secret to running properly to prevent this situation.

1. What is abdominal pain and hip pain when running?

When you're new to running or when you're doing endurance running, it's easy for practitioners to face hip shock - the phenomenon of running with sharp pain in the hip area. This condition is described as having a muscle cramp or even more painful than a cramp. The more intense a person runs, the more likely they are to experience hip shock and will experience more pain. Depending on the object and method of exercise, the level of pain will be different.
The main cause of abdominal pain, hip pain when running durable in new runners is due to the wrong running posture, leading to abdominal pain. In addition, nutritional problems can also cause abdominal pain during endurance running. If you drink too much water or eat too much food before jogging, you are more likely to get stomachache while running.
Some recent studies show the results: More than 70% of high-intensity runners experience hip pain while running. This is also a common condition in athletes. In athletes, the cause of pain is the intensity of running too high. In normal people, the cause of pain is due to lack of exercise.
However, the practitioner does not need to worry too much because hip shock is not an emergency or too dangerous. Usually, endurance runners will have their own secrets to not getting hip pain or getting over it easily.
MORE: What is the effect of running? Does it help with weight loss?

2. Causes of abdominal pain and hip shock when running

Hip pain during endurance running occurs due to causes originating from the training process, training method or individual body. Some common causes include:
Eating and drinking too much before jogging: Nutritional supplementation to have enough energy for a running session is essential. However, if you take in a large amount of food, a lot of blood will be sent to the stomach to digest the food. But if you jog after eating a lot, your muscles also need a lot of blood. Therefore, you are prone to indigestion, hip pain when running; Before running, do not warm up carefully: The warm-up helps the muscles to have better blood circulation, lubricate the joints before running. If you do not warm up properly, you are prone to hip shock, cramps or even sports injuries; Drink soft drinks or carbonated water before running: The use of soft drinks or carbonated water before running will make the stomach upset. Besides, carbonated drinks make you burp during exercise, easily cause abdominal pain, hip shock, affect breathing when running sustainably; Incorrect breathing rhythm: During jogging, the brain will adjust the breath to become shorter to provide enough oxygen for the body. However, this makes the diaphragm more uncomfortable because it is subjected to great pressure from running, causing hip shock when running. SEE ALSO: How to increase endurance when running

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Nhịp thở không đúng có thể gây đau bụng khi chạy bền

3. How to run sustainably without stomach pain, hip shock

To learn how to run sustainably without abdominal pain or hip pain, athletes need to pay attention to nutrition and training methods. A suitable diet and effective form of exercise will help you improve training performance, avoid the risk of abdominal pain and hip shock. Some ways to overcome abdominal pain and hip pain when running are:
If you have hip shock due to excessive movement of the diaphragm: The practitioner should stretch the arm on the side of the person with hip shock up high, to the back of the neck. . This helps to stretch the diaphragm and related muscle groups. However, if you want to completely reduce the pain, it is best to stop running for about 1 minute, bend backwards in the direction of the pain; Using breathing techniques when running: This helps you stabilize your breathing and running rhythm, makes running less tiring, reduces the risk of abdominal pain, hip shock; Do not drink a lot of water before running: Before running, you should only drink a little water and divide the amount of water you drink during the running time; Don't eat full before running: You can eat a full meal about 2 hours before running so that the food is digested well, making it easier for you to exercise, avoiding pain and discomfort in the stomach.

4. How to run efficiently, with less effort

4.1 Proper endurance running technique

Trainers should consult a doctor or trainer to choose the right endurance running technique. That helps to improve training efficiency, reduce training time and not cause fatigue; You need a clear runtime plan. When you first start practicing, set small goals, try to complete it before setting further goals; Gradually increase the difficulty of the exercise. Depending on your endurance level, you can add 5-10 minutes of endurance running each week to improve your running ability. However, you need to pay attention to listen to your body, do not exercise too hard to avoid physical injuries; Breathe properly when running endurance. In endurance running, self-control is very important because it determines how far you can run, how long. Accordingly, you can refer to the breathing rate as follows: Start with 3 inhalations, 2 exhalations; run fast with 2 inhalations, 1 exhalation; When sprinting, practice breathing 2 in, 1 out, 1 in, 1 out. When inhaling, it is advisable to keep the breath in the navel area. Long-term practice following this breathing habit will help you master your own energy, not feeling tired when running.

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Khởi động kỹ trước khi chạy

4.2 How to maintain strength when running endurance

In order to run with less effort and less fatigue, you need to pay attention to the following:
Proper nutrition: You need to have a nutritious diet with enough necessary substances, drink a lot of water and have a comfortable mood. roof. During running, you need to replenish water. Chia seed juice is a pretty good choice for those who are just starting out with endurance running; Combine running with other sports activities: Interlacing jogging with any sport helps to increase training efficiency, lose weight and burn fat well. You can combine jogging with other sports such as swimming, cycling, soccer,...; Warm up well before running; Listening to music during exercise: This is a way to help stimulate the brain to release Dopamine - a natural stimulant so that you have more energy when running. Following the techniques and tips above will help you run properly, without the shock that causes abdominal pain. Give yourself a clear exercise plan and a suitable nutrition regimen to improve exercise performance and avoid abdominal shock.

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