Eat less to live healthy, right?

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There are many measures that change our lives in a positive way, helping to increase longevity. One of the effective and proven measures is to reduce the amount of calories taken into the body each day. Reducing calories has been shown to reduce the aging process, reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and a number of other chronic diseases.

1. Eat less to live healthy right?

Researchers who have done some on aging animals have found that animals that consume a low amount of calories tend to live longer. Through research, this is taken as a premise for human studies.
In human studies, select a group of healthy people with an average age of about 40 years, regardless of weight. People in the study were encouraged to follow a calorie-restricted diet for two years. With a goal of 25% of calories per day, they were able to choose the diet that was right for them. The participants who chose to participate achieved their goal of reducing their daily calorie intake by an average of 15 percent over two years.
After doing the study, the researchers saw a significant reduction in their metabolism and, importantly, they also noticed an improvement in biomarkers related to the aging process slower and longer life. Specifically, they noticed lower body temperature, lower blood sugar and insulin levels, and a significant reduction in hormones that regulate metabolism.
Some of the reasons why reducing calorie intake helps the body to be healthier and live longer are given by scientists:
When we create energy, the body also produces energy. The byproducts of metabolism and these by-products are called free radicals. Free radicals accumulate in the body and cause damage to cells and organ tissues. Such damage can cause cells to age faster and contribute to diseases such as cancer and diabetes. A lower calorie intake promotes the body to use the incoming energy more efficiently and that will benefit the aging process, slowing down the aging process. When we put a sufficient amount of calories into the body, substances such as fat will be used by the body for energy instead of being stored as fat tissue. These fatty tissues are potentially harmful to the body. People who want to try to eat less to try to live longer will focus on portion sizes while following a healthy and balanced diet. Thus, it is people who want to live healthier and live longer who will note a healthier diet and exercise, thereby improving their health better. Thus, through research, scientists also believe that eating less and taking in fewer calories is the key to living longer. However, the body always needs energy to function, so we need a balanced diet and adequate nutrition is still essential, we just need to limit foods that are low in nutrition and high in calories. as processed foods.

Để sống khỏe mạnh bạn cần ăn uống cân bằng và bổ sung đủ dinh dưỡng
Để sống khỏe mạnh bạn cần ăn uống cân bằng và bổ sung đủ dinh dưỡng

2. How to eat less to live healthy

Studies show that eating less can have many health benefits as well as an increase in life expectancy. However, as we all know that the body always needs a certain amount of calories to function and also needs the necessary nutrients for body growth.
Therefore, it is very important to follow a diet that restricts calories and still ensures a balance of nutrients for the body.
Some of the high-calorie foods that are low in nutrition we should limit include:
Sugary drinks: Foods that contain a lot of sugar should be limited such as soda, fruit juice, sugary coffee. ..Note that although fruit is very good, juice has too much sugar, so it should be limited. Fast foods such as sausages, chips, KFC, barbecue... not only contain a lot of energy but also contain many additives, salt, and unhealthy fats. Dried fruit: When the fruit is dried, a lot of water is lost, so the total amount of sugar will increase in 100g. It provides a lot of calories for the body. Starch: Starch is a great source of energy, so we also need to limit starches such as bread, rice, white noodles... In addition, combine diet with exercise. Education is also very important. Exercising helps to make the body more flexible and helps to consume excess energy from the body.
Each person is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all calorie-restricted diet. But always remember that the benefits of reducing calories in your diet far outweigh the risks. So, to live healthier and live longer, please refer to a healthy menu that is suitable for you.

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