Foods that help you focus more

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Strengthening the ability to concentrate will help you to get things done beyond your expectations. In addition to helping the brain improve concentration by exercising, listening to music... You can add foods in your daily meals. So what to eat to focus more?

1. Concentration skill

Concentration is known as the state of the brain being focused to focus on a problem, or an object or thought, and not be distracted by the surroundings.
Concentration skills are encouraged to practice from a young age and increasingly concentration skills will be enhanced to help you be equipped to choose friends to be more effective and successful at work.
1.1. Concentration skills help you effectively evaluate the importance of each specific event Every day, each person has to deal with a lot of work from small to large... Almost everything has an important role, However, at each time, the importance of each event will not be the same. When you have the ability to focus, you will know how to identify what is important to do first, what can be done later, what needs support from others to solve...
1.2. Concentration skills help you understand potential dangers When you focus on solving a task, you are aware of your responsibility and you also have a clear understanding of the ability to affect the task. yours. These things will not be clearly recognized in people with poor concentration or difficulty in concentrating and can lead to unsatisfactory work outcomes and consequences for others.
1.3. Concentration skills help you put aside information that can distract you. For example, social networks, text messages, or conversations from colleagues, ... can attract you and keep you from concentrating. focus on solving their own problems. However, for people with good concentration, this skill will help you determine your work goals and the main work that you have to complete.
1.4. Concentration skills to help you schedule more efficiently When you need to apply concentration skills to get things done, you can effectively mix and match waiting periods to get a number of tasks done. other. Thus, time will not be wasted and work productivity is significantly increased. Even if you have multiple jobs, there will be no overlap and overwork.
Strengthening the ability to concentrate also helps you shorten the time to complete tasks because you can arrange and solve reasonable tasks at the same time. There are many ways to help you focus more at work, in which the food sources around us have many benefits. So, what to eat to focus more, many people often do not pay attention.

2. Foods that enhance concentration

As age increases, memory activity as well as concentration ability of the brain is affected and slower than in youth. In addition to activities such as exercising, listening to music, supplementing with food helps to focus more when solving work easier. In addition, the addition of food also helps to strengthen the brain to help the brain function optimally while enhancing brain functions.
However, what to eat to focus more? In fact, there are several foods that have been scientifically proven to be integral to brain function including ginseng, fish, and caffeine.
Caffeine is known as a compound that helps increase concentration for the brain quite perfectly Although IQ cannot be increased by drugs or any way, caffeine can help the brain maintain its ability to focus better. It also invigorates the body. Caffeine compounds in foods such as coffee, chocolate, energy drinks or some drugs can help improve brain performance. However, using too much coffee or caffeine compounds can cause the body to feel stressed, restless, uncomfortable, even for women can cause acne.

Bạn có thể tăng cường khả năng tập trung với caffeine
Bạn có thể tăng cường khả năng tập trung với caffeine

Sugar can help the brain be strengthened and more alert Glucose provides energy for brain activity, so when you use a glass of sugary beverage, it can help you enhance memory better in the short term while enhancing the thinking ability as well as making the body mentally refreshed. Although, time and age can accelerate the process of memory decline in people, when a certain amount of sugar is added, the ability to increase memory is improved to a certain extent.
Fish Should you choose fish or eat something to focus more? Fish and fish products are very good for the body because its nutritional composition is quite rich. Fish is rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids like omega 3 that help protect brain health. Moreover, studies have also proven that when eating fish regularly can help you limit the risk of stroke or nervous breakdown and also help enhance memory as you age.

Avocados and whole grains The heart and brain depend on the body's blood flow. When the diet is rich in whole grains and fruits including avocados, these foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as limit the bad cholesterol affecting the body. Moreover, they also help to increase blood circulation in the body.
In addition, whole grains also add a lot of fiber and vitamins to bring health value to users.
Blueberries Blueberries have the ability to protect the brain from damage by free radicals and limit aging-related diseases such as Alzheimer's or neurasthenia. And using blueberries regularly improves brain concentration quite well.
Eggs The nutritional composition contains 9 essential amino acids and 9 grams of protein in an egg. Furthermore, egg yolks contain choline and lecithin, both of which are involved in cognitive function as well as in the regulation of the nervous system and brain function.
Green leafy vegetables are effective in regenerating brain cells It's hard not to know what to choose to eat to focus more, green leafy vegetables include spinach, kale, broccoli... can help the body prevent cognitive decline while maintaining the best brain function. Moreover, green leafy vegetables contain quite a rich content of iron. Because when the body lacks iron, it can affect the brain, causing brain blindness, making the body tired and confused.
Olive oil Vegetable oil has the ability to help promote balance of mood, thinking and memory enhancement. Olive oil is also quite suitable for a low-fat diet. However, the brain is made of fat and the brain also needs to be replenished with healthy fats regularly to stay active and healthy.

Dầu oliu là một trong các loại thực phẩm giúp tập trung hơn
Dầu oliu là một trong các loại thực phẩm giúp tập trung hơn

Breakfast helps to energize the brain and increase the ability to concentrate. Many studies have proven that eating breakfast can help enhance memory and concentration of the brain, especially at a young age. attend. Recommended foods for healthy meals include whole grains, dairy, and fruit. However, this meal should not be eaten too much. Because experts say that when eating a breakfast with too much energy can be counterproductive, can even interfere with the concentration of the brain in the process of studying and working.
Chocolate and nuts These foods provide antioxidant vitamin E, which can be linked to cognitive decline with age. Dark chocolate has quite powerful antioxidant properties, and also contains natural stimulants such as caffeine, which enhances the brain's ability to focus high. Using dark chocolate every day in the right amount brings many benefits to the body without excess calories.
Therefore, with the foods provided above, you can choose what to eat to focus more easily. In addition to using foods that are good for the brain, you can add vitamins such as vitamins B, C, E, beta carotene, magnesium.... At the same time, you need to maintain healthy habits with eating and drinking. Get enough sleep, drink enough water, increase exercise,...

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