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Articles in Healthy diet

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Uses of Bisbeta 60
Bisbeta 60 contains the active ingredient Orlistat, a reversible lipase inhibitor. The drug is indicated for weight loss in overweight and obese individuals and should be combined with a low-calorie diet. So what are the dosages, side effects and precautions when using Bisbeta 60?
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How is it normal to have a bowel movement?
Defecation is a basic physiological need of each of us, but not everyone understands it well. Through your bowel habits and stool characteristics, you can get a glimpse of your digestive health.
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Can gastroesophageal reflux disease be cured completely?
It is a very obvious fact that more and more young people are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease and many have entered a long, difficult-to-treat chronic stage. You always have to face the terrible changes of the body, the burning pain / burning from the abdomen spreading to the chest is increasing rapidly, the respiratory system is vulnerable and the feeling of tastelessness in meals,. .. and there are many harmful effects that gastroesophageal reflux disease causes in your life. Time to realize, do you still have a chance to cut off this nagging illness?
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Quiz: How to "survive" without gluten?
Gluten is an ingredient found in many different foods and treats. Gluten is a large collection of hundreds of distinct proteins that are related to each other, but the most important are gliadin and glutenin.
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Gastrointestinal disorders in adults
Digestive disorders in adults are quite common, this condition not only interferes with daily activities, but it also greatly affects the patient's health. So what to do when having digestive disorders in adults?
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The foods that are extremely harmful to the liver do not eat much
In the body, the liver is responsible for eliminating toxins outside, all foods and drinks after entering the body are metabolized by the liver. Therefore, if the diet is not healthy, it will affect the health of the liver a lot.
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Eating too much salt and the risk of high blood pressure
Hypertension and cardiovascular disease are problems of worldwide medical concern because of the dangerous complications of these two diseases. Eating a lot of salt is believed to be one of the causes of high blood pressure as well as cardiovascular disease. So how much salt is enough and what are the effects of eating too much salt on the body?
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Atrial fibrillation and stroke risk
Stroke is one of the most dangerous and common complications for patients with atrial fibrillation. Using anticoagulants and changing lifestyle habits have been found to be effective in preventing the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation.
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How does aging affect your heart?
Aging can affect every organ in the body. The cardiovascular system is also a part affected by the natural aging process. Therefore, understanding the aging problem will help you to adjust your lifestyle accordingly.
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High blood pressure: What foods should be eaten?
One of the effective measures to support people with high blood pressure is to follow a healthy and reasonable diet. So people with this disease should eat, what should not eat and how to eat. This article will provide more detailed information to help people with high blood pressure can apply and follow.
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How high is blood pressure to take medicine?
Using medication to lower blood pressure is a common practice for people with high blood pressure. This helps to reduce the risk of dangerous complications for the heart, kidneys, brain... However, how much high blood pressure is the most appropriate medication to take?
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