Having healthy living habits can give you many great health benefits, such as preventing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and improving brain health. Below are 15 habits that really benefit your overall health that you should do every day.
1. Eat slowly
One of the healthy lifestyles that everyone should adopt is to eat slowly. Normally, the brain will take about 20 minutes to receive the signal that the body is full, so eating slowly will help you prevent the risk of consuming too much calories and overeating.
According to research, eating slowly can help you enjoy food better and benefit the stomach. Eating slowly and chewing thoroughly helps the digestive system work less and the body also takes less energy to consume food.
Besides, eating slowly also helps you make healthier and more reasonable thoughts and food choices. You can think about what you are consuming and minimize the foods that are harmful to health, such as chips, carbonated water, cakes, and fried foods,...
2. Socialize with others
Regularly interacting and chatting with surrounding people is another healthy habit. Connecting with others and being open are great ways to feel happier, be more productive, and reduce your risk of health problems. Therefore, you should regularly spend your free time on building relationships, such as meeting, going out to dinner or exercising together to improve both mental and physical health.
3. Eat fresh fruit directly instead of drinking juice
In fact, even 100% pure fruit juice can lose nutrients after processing and even cause you to consume more sugar in your regular diet. Therefore, the best way to get enough of vitamin C, fiber, potassium and folic acid is to eat fresh fruit instead of juice. On the other hand, eating fruit also helps you consume less fat, calories, and sodium.

4. Spend the right amount of time to rest
Rest time is important, helping us to recharge after a long tiring working day. You should have breaks properly to make them an essential part of your healthy lifestyle.
Rest time helps you connect with family and friends more. This is especially good for your mental and physical health. Evidence shows that people who can keep a balance between rest and work have more active lifestyles, live longer, and have a lower risk of heart disease and other health problems.
5. Track fat consumption
Regularly tracking the fat consumed is one of the good habits for people’s health and beauty. Certain types of fat, such as saturated or trans fats in foods (such as pies or pizzas) can increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases.
To get good fats, you should choose dairy products, fish, eggs, butter or nuts. These are all foods that help balance your diet and provide good fats to help you stay in shape and prevent other health risks.
6. Drink alcohol in moderate amounts
Many people think that alcohol is harmful, but in fact, drinking alcohol in moderate amounts brings many unexpected benefits. This is also considered one of the good habits for health and beauty of both men and women.
According to experts, men should drink no more than 2 glasses of alcohol per day and 1 glass for women. Drinking alcohol properly can improve your heart health, boost your sex life, and reduce stress.
7. Manage stress or fatigue well
Most of us regularly experience stress in our lives. This inadvertently puts a lot of pressure on your muscles and makes your heart beat faster. If stress is not well managed and repeated over and over again, it can lead to serious health problems, including ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Therefore, a healthy lifestyle should include good management of stress. You can deal with stress or fatigue by practicing deep breathing, which helps calm your mind.
8. Cut down on sugar consumed in the diet
Sugar is indispensable in daily life, however consuming too much sugar will lead to a series of serious health problems, such as obesity, overweight, cardiovascular disease, acne, and type 2 diabetes,... Therefore, cutting down on sugar is essential to help you prevent these health risks.

9. Be more active
Exercise is another healthy habit that everyone should adopt. Many studies have shown that exercise improves a person's health, mental well-being, and even sex drive. Just spending about 30 minutes a day and several times a week on physical practices can bring many positive improvements to the cardiovascular system, bones, joints, skin and other organs.
You can choose among walking, jogging, meditation, yoga, tai chi, swimming,... Ideally, you should maintain exercise every day and make it an indispensable habit in life.
10. Regularly moving
If you work in an office, get up from time to time and walk around every hour. Regularly moving and avoiding sitting for a long time will help the body burn more calories, support a more alert, sharp mind and improve the circulatory system. This healthy habit can even help prevent some other notable health risks like high blood pressure and diabetes.
11. Consume more green vegetables
Green vegetables provide many important nutrients for the body's activities, including fiber, vitamins and a number of other essential minerals. Moreover, green vegetables also contain very few calories, which helps to reduce excessive calorie consumption, thereby preventing cravings, overweight and obesity. You can choose to add some green vegetables such as spinach, kale, bok choy, and cabbage into your daily diet.
12. Dance
Dancing is also considered a form of exercise with many health benefits. Each body movement helps your mind become more sharp and alert. On the other aspect, dancing also bonds social relationships, brings us a lot of joy and excitement. Because of these benefits, there's no reason why you shouldn't choose to dance for a healthy lifestyle.

13. Having sex
In fact, sex is also linked to many aspects of health, including heart and brain. According to recent research, sex significantly improves brain health, cardiovascular system, and increases life expectancy, strengthens relationships and brings happiness.
Having safe sex, being faithful to one partner and using prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STDs) will help you and your partner achieve great health benefits.
In fact, sex is also linked to many aspects of health, including heart and brain. According to recent research, sex significantly improves brain health, cardiovascular system, and helps increase life expectancy, strengthen relationships and bring happiness.
Just having safe sex, being faithful to one partner and using STD prevention will help you and your partner achieve great health benefits.
14. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep is a leading cause of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and depression. Some statistics show that lack of sleep can lead to traffic accidents that cause injury or even death.
For the best, you should be sure to get enough sleep, about 7-9 hours a night to keep the mind clear and refreshed after waking up. Furthermore, this is also important for many organs in the body, especially the liver, lungs, bile or pancreas. When you sleep, it is time for organs to recover and heal.
15. Go outside more often
Sunlight can help us set the circadian rhythm and be more motivated to exercise. In addition, when participating in outdoor activities, you also get more vitamin D - which is important for cell function, heart health and mental health.
However, you should not stay in the sun for too long as this can lead to the risk of sunburn, tanning or skin cancer. Besides, remember to apply sunscreen before going outdoors to prevent harmful effects from ultraviolet rays on the skin.
Above are good habits that bring many health benefits, you can refer to, choose, and apply to have a better quality of life.
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Reference source: webmd.com