Why do you have rashes and hives when changing seasons?

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Have you ever suffered from the discomfort of itching every time the weather changed? So why do itching or hives often appear when the seasons change and do they have any effect on health?
Video content is professionally consulted by MSc Vu Thi Mai, Allergist - Clinical Immunologist, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

1. Causes of itching, hives when changing seasons

Entering the season change will lead to a change in hot - cold temperature or humidity that leads to the growth of allergens such as house bugs, mold or changes in pollen concentration in the air. At that time, in the skin often appear manifestations such as red skin, itching, hives, .... that is called allergic weather. Depending on the location, weather allergies cause different levels of effects.
Some cases of other weather allergies are also accompanied by respiratory, nose and throat problems... making it difficult for patients to live their daily lives.
Weather allergies have fairly typical symptoms. Some signs can be recognized through the skin such as:
Urticaria: Simultaneously appears with signs of itching. These cases often show signs of edema, thick urticaria, white or pink. After a short period of time when the skin is exposed to allergenic factors when changing weather or temperature factors such as cold - hot, ... the skin will develop urticaria. Eczema superinfected: the patient will have signs of allergy, a red rash that may be accompanied by tiny blisters, yellow discharge, many dandruff scales on the head, dry skin, peeling skin with thickening of the elbows and knees. and face. After a while, the blisters burst, leading to ulcers, dry skin, thickened horns and cracks. To avoid adverse health effects and prevent eczema from getting worse, early intervention is necessary. In addition, skin symptoms can be encountered in allergies when changing weather such as:
Respiratory symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, stuffy nose, sometimes coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing Ocular symptoms seen in allergic conjunctivitis: itchy eyes, red and watery eyes, puffy eyes

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2. Ways to help relieve weather allergies

Allergies are fairly benign and can go away quickly after a few days to a few weeks. However, the disease can turn into a chronic stage and increase the risk of developing other superinfections such as fungal infections, bacterial skin infections. Therefore, after being diagnosed, the patient needs to apply a number of treatment methods such as: determining the exact cause of the allergy, limiting exposure to the factors that trigger the disease, taking some measures. home care tips, medication,.. Besides, natural treatment by maintaining healthy eating habits and lifestyle is considered an effective method of treating this disease. . Habits that the patient should maintain such as:
Drink plenty of water, eat well, eat more fruits to strengthen the body's immune system to fight allergens from the outside environment. If you do not have food allergies, you do not need to abstain from foods such as seafood, peanuts, eggs, etc. However, you should eat fresh seafood, limit frozen seafood. Special skin moisturizing Do not use tobacco, alcoholic beverages such as alcohol, avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, dust, pollen Keep the body at a stable ambient temperature to avoid changes sudden environmental temperature Exercise regularly and reasonably to strengthen resistance Limit hard labor in hot weather. And wear warm and keep your body warm in winter if there is an itchy rash related to hot and cold When you see your skin has signs of an allergic rash, it is necessary to keep the allergy-prone areas clean and go to doctor as soon as there are abnormal signs Avoid scratching or strong friction on the skin because it can easily lead to infection or secondary skin damage such as Wear light, soft and sweat-absorbent clothes to help limit skin rubbing mechanism and the allergy cannot spread throughout the body. Anyone can suffer from seasonal allergies, which not only makes the patient uncomfortable but also affects their life and causes dangerous complications. Therefore, when the symptoms become worse, it is necessary to immediately go to reputable medical facilities to find the most appropriate and effective treatment solution.

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