Most people can easily distinguish between fruits and vegetables. However, differentiating between types of fruits can be more challenging. When it comes to bananas, should they be classified as berries or fruits?
1. Differences between fruits and berries
Fruits are described as sweet, fleshy plant parts containing seeds, typically produced by flowering plants. Fruits serve as the plant's reproductive organs, primarily responsible for distributing seeds to new areas where the plant can grow. Fruits can be broadly categorized into two main types: fleshy fruits and dry fruits.
Dry fruits are those that we commonly do not consider as fruits, such as nuts, legumes, and coconuts. On the other hand, fleshy fruits include familiar varieties like apples, cherries, and bananas.
Fleshy fruits can be further divided into simple fruits, aggregate fruits, and multiple fruits. Berries are a type of simple fruit. Therefore, all berries are fruits, but not all fruits are berries.
2. Bananas are botanically berries
Surprisingly, from a botanical perspective, bananas are considered berries. The classification of fruit is based on the part of the plant that develops into the fruit. For instance, some fruits develop from flowers containing a single ovary, while others develop from flowers with multiple ovaries. Additionally, the seeds of fruits are surrounded by three main structures:
- The skin or outer layer of the fruit;
- The flesh or middle layer of the fruit;
- The inner layer that encloses the seeds or seeds.
The key characteristics of these structures contribute to the classification of fruits. To be considered a berry, a fruit must develop from a single ovary and generally have a soft, fleshy middle part. The seeds inside must also be soft, and there can be one or multiple seeds. Bananas meet these criteria as they develop from a flower with a single ovary. The banana fruit has a soft skin and a fleshy middle layer. Although bananas have many seeds, most people do not notice them because the seeds are quite small.

3. Many people believe bananas are not berries
Many people are completely surprised to learn that bananas are classified as berries. Most people think of berries as small fruits that can be picked from plants, such as strawberries and raspberries. However, botanically, these fruits are not classified as berries. This is because, instead of developing from flowers with a single ovary, they develop from flowers with multiple ovaries. Therefore, these fruits usually form clusters and are classified as aggregate fruits.
On the other hand, bananas and other fruits that fall under the berry classification are often not regarded as berries. This confusion dates back thousands of years, when certain fruits were commonly called berries before botanists established precise classifications. Even today, despite the scientific classification, most people are unaware of it. In fact, sometimes botanists themselves disagree on the exact classification of certain fruits, further contributing to the confusion.
This explains why the term "fruit" is used to refer to most types of fruit, including bananas, rather than the specific category to which they belong.
4. Other fruits classified as berries
Bananas are not the most confusing fruit in the berry category. Several other fruits are also considered berries according to botanical classification. These include tomatoes, grapes, kiwis, avocados, peppers, eggplants, and guavas. Like bananas, these fruits develop from flowers with a single ovary, have fleshy middles, and contain one or more seeds. This qualifies them as berries, although they are rarely referred to as such.
Berries are a subgroup of fruits, characterized by their sweet, fleshy nature with seeds inside. Bananas are considered berries, and calling them either fruits or berries is accurate.
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