16 Foods High in Niacin (Vitamin B3)

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Niacin also known as vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid), niacin is one of the 8 types of B vitamins. Like all B vitamins, niacin plays a role in converting carbohydrates into glucose, metabolizing fats and proteins, and keeping the system healthy. Nervous system works well. Niacin also helps the body make hormones related to sex and stress and improves blood circulation and cholesterol levels. So which foods are high in niacin? The article will provide you with information about 16 common foods in your daily diet that are high in niacin.

1.What is Niacin (Vitamin B3)? Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is a micronutrient that participates in many body processes, including metabolism, nervous system function, and resistance to oxidation.
Niacin is an essential micronutrient, which means that the body cannot produce it on its own, but completely depends on the food consumed on a daily basis. Because niacin is water-soluble, excess niacin in food is excreted in the urine rather than stored in the body. Therefore, it is most important to regularly add foods rich in niacin to your daily diet.
The recommended daily intake of niacin is 16 mg for men and 14 mg for women, which is enough to meet the niacin needs of about 98% of adults.
2. What does Vitamin B3 do? Niacin has a lot of effects, but two of them and also the most mentioned that characterize niacin is its ability to support energy biosynthesis and antioxidant.
2.1. Energy Biosynthesis Like other B vitamins, niacin is important for energy biosynthesis. Two special forms of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) are essential for converting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy for the body to use. In addition, niacin is also involved in the synthesis of energy in the form of storage in the muscles and liver to use for other purposes.

Công thức hóa học của Vitamin B3
Công thức hóa học của Vitamin B3

2.2. Antioxidants Niacin-containing enzymes involved in energy metabolism, NAD and NADP work by neutralizing free radicals. This process is not only involved in energy biosynthesis but also helps protect the body against tissue damage caused by oxidation. While most people often overlook the antioxidant effects of niacin, scientists are aware of this and have conducted extensive research, particularly in people with diabetes.
3. 16 foods rich in Niacin (Vitamin B3) As mentioned above, the human body cannot synthesize niacin on its own, but it needs to be supplemented from daily food sources. Therefore, how to choose foods to ensure the necessary amount of niacin is very important. Here are 16 foods high in niacin you can choose to include in your daily diet.
3.1. Liver Liver is one of the richest natural food sources of niacin. Each 85 grams of cooked beef liver provides about 14.7 mg of niacin, which is 91% of the recommended daily requirement for men and 100% for women.
Chicken liver is also a good source of niacin. Each 85 grams of chicken liver provides 73% of the recommended daily requirement for men and 83% for women.
In addition, liver also contains many other essential nutrients such as protein, iron, choline, vitamin A and other B vitamins.
3.2. Chicken Breasts Chicken, especially breast meat, is a good source of both niacin and lean protein. Each 85 grams of cooked, boneless, skinless chicken breast contains 11.4 mg of niacin, which is 71% and 81% of the recommended daily intake for men and women, respectively. In comparison, the same amount of boneless, skinless chicken thighs contains only half of that.
Chicken breasts are also a good source of lean protein with about 8.7 grams per 28 grams cooked, making them a great choice for a low-calorie, high-protein diet designed for weight loss.

Ức gà là nguồn cung cấp cả niacin và protein nạc cho con người
Ức gà là nguồn cung cấp cả niacin và protein nạc cho con người

3.3. Tuna Tuna is a good source of niacin and is a great choice for those who love to eat fish. A can of tuna about 165 grams provides 21.9 mg of niacin which is more than 100% of the recommended daily requirement for both men and women. In addition, tuna is also rich in protein, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.
There is some concern about mercury toxicity because the metal can accumulate in tuna meat. However, one can of tuna per week is considered safe for most people.
3.4. Turkey Although turkey contains less vitamin B3 than chicken breast, it provides high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid capable of synthesizing niacin. 85 grams of cooked turkey breast provides 6.3 mg of niacin and a sufficient amount of tryptophan to synthesize approximately 1 mg of additional niacin. Combined, they provide about 46% of the recommended daily requirement for men and 52% for women.
Tryptophan is also used to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin and the hormone melatonin, both important for mental health.
3.5. Salmon Salmon, especially from wild-caught sources, is also an ideal source of niacin. Each 85 grams of cooked salmon provides 53% of the recommended niacin requirement for men and 61% for women, compared with 42% and 49% for farmed salmon, respectively.
Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune diseases.

3.6. Anchovies Anchovies are a good source of affordable niacin. Just 10 anchovies is enough to provide you with half the recommended amount of niacin per day. In addition, anchovies are also an excellent source of selenium, which helps reduce the risk of cancer, especially breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and prostate cancer.
3.7. Pork Lean pork is also a good source of niacin. Each 85 grams of lean pork provides about 6.3 mg of niacin, which is 39% and 45% of the recommended daily intakes for men and women, respectively.

Thịt lợn nạc là nguồn cung cấp niacin tốt cho người dùng
Thịt lợn nạc là nguồn cung cấp niacin tốt cho người dùng

In addition to vitamin B3, pork also provides another B group vitamin, vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is very important in the body's metabolism.
3.8. Beef Lean beef is not only rich in niacin but also contains many other important nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc. Each 85 grams of cooked lean beef contains 6.2 mg of niacin. Some studies also show that beef is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, especially grass-fed beef.
3.9. Peanuts Peanuts are one of the best plant-based sources of niacin. 32 grams of peanut butter contains 4.3 mg of niacin which is about 25% of the recommended intake for men and 30% for women.
Peanuts are also rich in protein, monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. Although peanuts have a relatively high amount of energy, studies show that consuming them daily has many health benefits such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Also consuming peanuts daily does not lead to weight gain.
3.10. Avocado One medium avocado contains 3.5 mg of niacin, which is equivalent to 21% and 25% of the daily recommended intakes for men and women. Avocados are also rich in fiber, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals. In fact, an avocado contains twice as much potassium as a banana.
Avocados are also a great source of monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce the risk of heart-related diseases when consumed regularly.
3.11. Brown rice One cup of cooked brown rice (about 195 grams) contains 18% of the recommended intake for men and 21% for women. However, some studies show that only 30% of the niacin in whole grains can be absorbed by the body, making them a less optimal food source than other foods.
In addition to niacin, brown rice also contains fiber, thiamine, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. These nutrients play an important role in fighting inflammation and improving heart health in overweight and obese people.

Gạo lứt chế biến đúng cách sẽ đem lại nguồn niacin tốt cho người dùng
Gạo lứt chế biến đúng cách sẽ đem lại nguồn niacin tốt cho người dùng

3.12. Wheat Whole-wheat products such as bread or pasta contain relatively high levels of niacin, especially wheat crust. However, like brown rice, only about 30% of the niacin in wheat products is digested and absorbed.
3.13. Mushrooms Mushrooms are one of the best plant-based sources of vitamin B3. Each 70 grams of mushrooms provides about 15-18% of the recommended daily requirement. That makes mushrooms an ideal choice for vegetarians.
Mushrooms grown in sunlight are also capable of synthesizing vitamin D and are one of the best plant-based foods containing this vitamin.
3.14. Green beans Green beans are also a plant source of niacin that is effective and easily absorbed by the body. In addition, like other legumes, green beans are also rich in fiber. Each cup of chickpeas provides about 25% of your daily fiber needs.
Other studies also show that chickpeas are high in antioxidants and other compounds that have the potential to reduce cancer risk, lower cholesterol levels, and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
3.15. Potatoes Potatoes are also a good source of niacin. One potato provides 4.2 mg of niacin, or 25% of the recommended intake for men and 30% for women.
According to a review study, brown potatoes contain the highest levels of vitamin B3 of all potatoes with 2 mg of niacin per 100 grams. Sweet potatoes are also a source of niacin equivalent to white potatoes.
3.16. Other Supplements Many foods are fortified with niacin, making them niacin-rich foods.
Refined grains and grain products like bread and pasta are fortified with niacin to improve the nutrient content. One study found that Americans get more niacin in these supplements than from natural food sources.

Niacin còn được tìm thấy trong các loại ngũ cốc
Niacin còn được tìm thấy trong các loại ngũ cốc
Niacin or vitamin B3 is an essential nutrient that cannot be synthesized by the body, but must be obtained through the diet. Niacin is directly involved in the metabolism and functioning of the nervous system in the body. Many foods are rich in niacin, especially animal products such as meat, fish, and poultry. Plant sources of niacin include avocados, peanuts, whole grains, mushrooms, chickpeas, and potatoes. There are also some foods that are fortified with niacin to make them the main source of niacin in the diet.

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References: whfoods.com, healthline.com

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