What should eat to kill HP bacteria in the stomach?

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Helicobacter pylori is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers, even leading to stomach cancer. Besides taking medicine, using foods that kill HP bacteria is also the choice of many patients. So what should be eaten to effectively kill HP bacteria in the stomach?

1. About the dangerous level of stomach HP bacteria

Helicobacter pylori (full name is Helicobacter Pylori) was first found in the human stomach in 1982. HP bacteria mainly live in the stomach. This type of bacteria is the main cause of chronic diseases in the stomach, which can lead to ulcers or stomach cancer. If not detected and treated promptly, HP bacteria can also cause many complicated complications to the human body.
In terms of transmission, HP bacteria can be transmitted directly through the salivary glands such as by eating and drinking with people living in the same environment. In addition, HP bacteria can also be transmitted through food and drinking water containing this bacteria.
According to statistics, in Vietnam, more than 80% of patients infected with HP bacteria have no specific symptoms. Most patients are only detected to be infected with HP when there are clear manifestations of acute gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, ...

2. What to eat to kill HP bacteria?

Diet has a direct effect on the digestive process and the microflora in the intestinal tract. Many active ingredients in foods can help destroy HP bacteria, thereby effectively supporting the treatment of diseases in the digestive tract. So what should patients eat to kill HP bacteria?
2.1 Vegetables and fruits Fruits and vegetables are very good for people with HP infection because this food group is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This group of foods has the effect of healing damage, protecting the stomach lining and minimizing the growth of bacteria. At the same time, they also help improve the functioning of the digestive system and strengthen the health of the immune system.
Therefore, people with HP infection should eat more vegetables and fruits that do not contain much acid such as apples, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, ... Berries contain many substances. Antioxidants such as resveratrol, ellagic acid,.... These substances have a good control of free radicals, reduce the activity and proliferation of HP bacteria and have positive effects in anti-inflammatory activity. .
Besides, HP infected patients should also use more broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage because these vegetables contain isothiocyanates with great use in fighting HP bacteria, reducing the Spread of HP in the intestine and prevent cancer. Not only that, these vegetables are also very easy to digest, which can reduce stomach pain during treatment. That is why every day people with HP infection should eat about 70g of broccoli or more.
2.2 Probiotics: Inside the human gut, there is a diverse microflora with more than 85% of beneficial bacteria. The addition of beneficial microorganisms will help inhibit the overgrowth of harmful bacteria (including HP bacteria). Not only that, beneficial microorganisms also help produce lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and antibacterial compounds, which help reduce the number of harmful bacteria. Therefore, if you wonder what to eat to kill HP bacteria, the patient should not skip the group of beneficial bacteria supplements.
Patients can supplement beneficial bacteria for the digestive system through food or using probiotics. Foods rich in beneficial bacteria and good for digestive health should be added to the family's diet menu: Yogurt, miso soup, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha tea, some cheeses ,... The inclusion of these foods in the diet not only helps to support the treatment of HP infection but also reduces abdominal distension, bloating, diarrhea,...
Many people think that Fermented foods such as pickles, kimchi are not good for people with stomach diseases because they easily make ulcers worse. However, this food group has been shown to be very effective in supporting the treatment of HP infection and preventing re-infection after treatment. Patients with peptic ulcer disease caused by HP who are taking antibiotics are considered to take daily probiotic supplements to increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the side effects of antibiotics. However, patients need to consult their doctor to choose the right foods and probiotics.
2.3 Green tea and honey If wondering what to eat to kill HP bacteria, the patient should use green tea and honey. These are drinks that are rich in antioxidants and have good antibacterial properties. In addition, green tea also contains many polyphenols - which help fight oxidative stress and pathogenic bacteria such as H. pylori, candida albicans, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus,... Results of 1 A study conducted in May 2015 showed that: People who drank green tea and honey once a day for 1 week had a lower rate of positive for HP than those who did not drink this beverage.
2.4 Foods rich in polyunsaturated fats To effectively destroy HP bacteria in the stomach, patients should also prioritize using foods rich in good fats (Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, Omega - 6) such as:
Extra virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil; Fatty fish: Mackerel, salmon, tuna; Nutritional nuts: Chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, etc. The above foods have the effect of eliminating HP bacteria, restoring the lining of the stomach and reducing the risk of stomach ulcers. - duodenum. In addition, polyunsaturated fats are also good for the heart, have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of arthritis.

3. What should people with HP not eat?

Besides learning what to eat to kill HP bacteria, patients also need to know what to avoid when infected with this bacteria to avoid the risk of bacteria overgrowing and leading to many dangerous diseases. Here are some foods that people who are infected with HP bacteria should avoid:
Foods containing caffeine such as chocolate, coffee, black tea, ... because they are easy to irritate the stomach lining, making the stomach hot. burning, discomfort; Acidic fruits such as oranges, lemons, pineapples, etc. can increase stomach acid and increase the risk of ulcers; Hot spicy foods can increase the risk of stomach ulcers, weaken digestion, increase secretion of gastric acid, creating a favorable environment for HP bacteria to grow; Salty food due to salt can change the properties of the protective mucous membrane of the stomach, making it easier for HP bacteria to penetrate the mucosal layer in the stomach; Alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, ... can cause direct harm to the stomach, causing stomach ulcers to spread, increasing the risk of developing cancer; Fried foods with a lot of fat are difficult to digest, causing the stomach to work harder, leading to bloating, gas and affecting the recovery process of the stomach lining; Processed meats and canned foods contain a lot of preservatives and chemical additives, which can irritate the stomach and intestines and aggravate inflammation. The article has equipped patients with useful knowledge about what to eat to kill HP bacteria in the stomach and what foods to limit. Patients need to build a healthy diet to inhibit and destroy HP bacteria, avoiding the risk of unpredictable complications such as stomach ulcers, stomach cancer,...

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