Drinking warm water before going to bed may not be a common habit for all of us. However, our bodies always need to be fully supplied and replenished with water. Have you ever thought about drinking warm honey water before bed? So is it true that drinking warm water before going to bed makes you sleep easier?
1. Some inconveniences if drinking warm water before going to bed
Drinking warm water before going to bed will increase the likelihood of nighttime urination. Normally, you will not have that need for 8 houyou won't need to urinate during the 8 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep. However, drinking 1-2 glasses of warm water can affect your long sleep cycle.
Nighttime urination can lead to insomnia, gradually making it difficult to fall asleep and causing more frequent sleeplessness. At that time, you will be adversely affected by cardiovascular health and fatigue due to not being able to rest and sleep enough. Some other subjects may face the risk of high blood pressure, increased bad cholesterol and rapid weight gain.
According to some analyses, people over 45 years old who do not ensure at least 6 hours of sleep each night will increase their risk of stroke and heart attack. Thus, the quality of each sleep is clearly influenced by age. As you get older, your bladder becomes more overloaded, which can affect other problems such as memory loss and loss of behavioral control. Some elderly people with diabetes or benign prostate cancer can also affect the bladder's regulatory function.

2. Benefits of drinking warm water before bedtime
Drinking warm water before going to bed has what health benefits that we should do? Here are 2 benefits if you drink water regularly before going to bed:
Improve your mood more positively
Some psychological studies have shown that people's emotional moods are easily affected if the body is dehydrated. This can also become stress and pressure, making it more difficult to sleep and unable to sleep deeply. However, drinking too much water does not necessarily have a positive effect on health and mood.
When you drink water properly and drink warm water to sleep, it will improve your feeling. Thanks to that, you will eliminate many negative thoughts from your mind, making your body less stressed and tired.
Beautify and clean your skin naturally without chemicals
We have the habit of washing our face with specialized products to clean and keep our skin smooth. However, this method only treats the symptoms and cannot cure the root cause. Try drinking warm water before going to bed to naturally detoxify and improve the function of the digestive system.
Warm water in the body will help blood circulate easily and carry oxygen everywhere. At the same time, thanks to sweat glands, sebum will be excreted on the skin to minimize the amount of toxins accumulated in the body. Drinking warm water also reduces pain and limits cramps in the stomach.
You can drink warm water with honey before going to bed or a glass of lemon water if you don't like the bland taste of regular water. Honey is good because it is warm and helps the body increase resistance, while the sour taste of lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the body's immune system and fight infections when injured.

3. Good time to drink warm water to sleep easily
Although drinking warm water before going to bed brings some benefits, there are still some negative aspects such as affecting cardiovascular health and disrupting sleep. Every day, you need to drink water in a repetitive habit to provide enough water for the body and limit excess at night. Based on the color of your urine, you can somewhat determine your body's water needs. The darker the color, the higher the level of deficiency. Therefore, you should drink until the color fades and becomes clear.
On average, we are encouraged to supplement 1.5 to 3 liters of water depending on our needs and gender. You can divide this evenly throughout the day to balance the amount of water. A note for you if you are pregnant is to supplement properly to keep your body hydrated when the environment causes dehydration.
Some methods of providing water that are good for your health you should refer to:
- Supplement water by using lots of green vegetables and fruits in meals
- Drink 1 glass of water in each meal
- Supplement water after exercise
- Drink water when you are hungry to eliminate false feelings
Regarding the issue of drinking warm water before going to bed, you should not drink too close to bedtime or go to bed right after drinking water. You can drink about 2 hours before and urinate before going to bed. Urinating before going to bed will reduce the possibility of you losing sleep due to frequent urination at night.

If drinking warm water before going to bed causes you difficulty or abnormal symptoms, contact your doctor immediately for advice. Let your doctor check and give you the most suitable lifestyle plan to improve your overall health.
So, drinking water before going to bed is a way to avoid dehydration after a night's sleep. However, it needs to be considered to avoid causing side effects that affect the night's sleep rhythm.
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Source: healthline.com