What is the average human running speed?

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The running speed of people and animals has long been a topic of interest to many people. Some people can achieve remarkable speed and have improved after a period of practice. So what is the average human running speed?

1. How will you feel when running?

Jogging requires more effort and should be faster than your walking pace. You may not be able to say more than a few words while running. Your ability to run depends on your fitness level and fitness level.
On the treadmill, running is less strenuous. The machine moves your body for you and has fewer variables, like air resistance. With less indoor air resistance, you don't have to work against that additional drag. So, on a treadmill, you can move at 4 to 6 mph (6.4 - 9.6km/h) without as much effort as you would when running outdoors.
A form of running may be more suitable for you depending on your needs, but both outdoor running and treadmill running have their benefits. And both are great cardio exercises. Your heart can even tell you how fast you can reach.

2. Jogging speed based on heart rate

Heart rate can help you determine your average running speed and measure the intensity of your workouts. The harder you exercise, the more your heart beats per minute. This is because your heart needs to pump more oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles.
Depending on your workout, your heart rate will increase by a certain percentage. This is called your target heart rate.
According to the American Heart Association, running is an intense physical activity. For intense exercise, your target heart rate should be 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. 70 - 85% of that is your target heart rate zone.
Your target heart rate zone has an upper limit and a lower limit. Your maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220.
For example, a 35-year-old has a maximum heart rate of 220 - 35 = 185 beats per minute.
When jogging, they should exercise hard enough to raise their heart rate to 70 - 85% of 185 beats per minute. This equates to 130 to 157 beats per minute.
You can check your heart rate during exercise. This will help you determine if you are within your target heart rate zone. You can use a heart rate monitor to automatically measure your heart rate.
It is also possible to measure your heart rate without a heart rate monitor. You can use your finger and stopwatch. If you have a smartphone, you can use the stopwatch feature.
To check your heart rate manually, you need to do the following:
Stop jogging. Place the tips of your index and middle fingers on a spot in your neck or wrist where the pulse is. If you are checking the pulse on your left wrist, make a fist with your left fingers. Gently press the fingers of the right hand into the pulse of the left hand. Set a 60-second timer and count your heart rate during this period.

3. What is the average human running speed?

Tốc độ chạy trung bình của con người vào khoảng 6-10km/giờ
Tốc độ chạy trung bình của con người vào khoảng 6-10km/giờ
In general, the average human jogging speed is 4 to 6 mph, which is faster than walking. When you're jogging, you may need to stop to rest and catch your breath before talking.
If you love to walk, jogging is a great way to challenge yourself. Walking can also be a precursor to the running habit. But regularly jogging can help you reach your level of physical activity each week.

4. What factors affect the average human running speed?

Several factors can affect your running speed. Consider these as you take steps to be able to run faster.
4.1. Your clothes The clothes you wear can affect your running speed. For optimal running performance, consider investing in lightweight clothing that fits well and is weather-resistant.
Choose high-quality sweat-wicking fabrics to keep your body cool and dry. These include nylon, polyester and bamboo. Other options include spandex, polypropylene and wool. You should also invest in cushioned socks to use when running.
4.2. Your shoes Lightweight athletic shoes provide comfort and support that can help prevent injury. As was shown in a 2019 study, certain types of running shoes can also help you achieve higher speeds by improving your running form and technique. You can learn about some of the best running shoes for women and men.
4.3. Your weight Body weight is a factor that affects your running speed. The heavier you are, the more energy it takes to propel your body forward.
This has a lot to do with gravity. Every time you lift your feet off the ground, you're fighting gravity. The difficulty increases with the amount of weight your leg is carrying.
If you put on extra weight it can also affect your VO2max which in turn can affect your running performance. VO2max is the maximum rate (V) of oxygen (O2) your body can use during exercise.
4.4. Strength and endurance Endurance and speed training are important components of a running program. A strong body makes it easier to use correct muscles and improves endurance, both of which help increase your running speed.
Strong legs generate more force while a strong upper body and core help you maintain energy while using correct form.
Exercise to stay active along with bodyweight exercises, weight training, HIIT workouts. Includes tempo runs, sprints, and sprints. To increase endurance, do at least one long run per week.

Tốc độ chạy trung bình của bạn sẽ bị ảnh hưởng bởi nhiều yếu tố
Tốc độ chạy trung bình của bạn sẽ bị ảnh hưởng bởi nhiều yếu tố

5. How to increase your average running speed

If you're new to running or want to improve your running speed, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Talk to your doctor: If you haven't exercised for a long time, try Talk to your doctor before jogging. This is even more important if you have a chronic illness or a wound that is healing. Your doctor can give you instructions so you can safely start a new exercise routine. Warm up and cool down: Before jogging, warm up for 5 to 10 minutes. Take a gentle walk to circulate blood and warm up the muscles. You can also do jumps or arm swings. After jogging, cool down by walking slowly and stretching. Doing so will improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. Start slowly: You shouldn't suddenly increase the intensity of your workout. If you're just starting to exercise, start with a walking routine. Try jogging after you get used to walking. You can also alternate walking and jogging in the same workout. Once you've adapted to the intensity of your workout, you can gradually increase your running time. Pay attention to posture: Keep your torso straight, but don't strain your muscles. Lean forward slightly without stooping. Relax your hands, arms, and shoulders. Drink water: Your body needs enough fluids to function properly. However, you will lose water when you exercise and sweat. Drink water before, during and after you run. Drink more water on hot days and sweat a lot. Use the right workout gear: Wear well-fitting shoes and some support. Visit a store where you can try on sneakers. Avoid wearing old shoes that can increase your risk of injury and pain when you run. You should wear loose, light clothes to be more comfortable when running. These tips can help you get the most out of your running. For more guidance, talk to your personal trainer. Your trainer can provide running instructions that are appropriate for your age, fitness level, and goals.
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Reference source: healthline.com
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