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Articles in ovarian tumor

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Distinguishing primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea - how to recognize and treat
Amenorrhea is one of the causes affecting reproductive health, especially the ability to conceive of women. Based on the cause and characteristics of amenorrhea, amenorrhea is divided into two types: primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea.
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Ovarian tumor progression and complications
Ovarian tumors can develop from ovarian tissue or from tissue of other organs in the body. They can exist in many different forms such as solid, cystic or mixed, each with its own progression and complications.
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In which cases is a complete hysterectomy indicated?
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a surgical treatment with the aim of removing the uterus in cases of uterine fibroids, early stage endometrial cancer, endometrial hyperplasia and menorrhagia where medical treatment is ineffective.
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Spinal anesthesia surgery to remove ovarian cysts
Ovarian cystectomy is an effective and radical treatment for ovarian cysts. Spinal anesthesia is one of the techniques that can be used for anesthesia during ovarian cystectomy.
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Endotracheal anesthesia for ovarian tumors in pregnant patients
If ovarian tumors are not detected and treated promptly during pregnancy, they can seriously affect the health of the mother and fetus. Endotracheal anesthesia is the anesthesia method used in many cases of laparoscopic surgery for ovarian tumors in pregnant patients.
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Classification of ovarian tumors according to ultrasound structure
Ultrasound is very beneficial in diagnosing ovarian tumors, this is a non-invasive imaging diagnostic tool and provides high accuracy. In particular, ultrasound classification of ovarian tumors will help doctors make decisions on surgery, treatment or monitoring to ensure the best health for patients.
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5 causes of ovarian pain
The ovaries are an important part of the female reproductive system. They produce hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which are important for a woman’s menstrual cycle and the release of eggs for fertilization. There are many causes of ovarian pain, ranging from benign functional tumors to tumors with a high risk of malignancy. Here are 5 common causes of ovarian pain.
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Ovarian Tumor – Potential Danger
Ovarian cyst is a tumor that develops from the ovary. The cyst can be malignant (cancerous) or benign. The disease progresses silently, rarely causing symptoms. Or when symptoms appear, the cyst is twisted, necrotic, ruptured... or the cancer has metastasized.
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The procedure for taking CT of organs to investigate tumor hemodynamics
CT scan of organs to examine tumor thrombus is a modern diagnostic imaging technique that allows the detection of vascular proliferation in tumor diseases. The results of tumor thrombus examination are the basis for monitoring the treatment of tumor diseases.
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IOTA classification in the evaluation of ovarian tumors by transvaginal ultrasound
Ovarian tumors are very common in women and can cause many dangerous complications because of their high malignancy rate. To diagnose and detect the disease early, doctors have applied transvaginal ultrasound according to IOTA.
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Ovarian cancer surgery
Ovarian cancer is a very common disease in women. Ovarian cancer surgery is a method to remove the tumor in the ovary, prevent recurrence and metastasis, this is a complete hysterectomy, two appendages and the great omentum. Remove as much of the tumor as possible. The resection may be less if the disease is detected at an early stage.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics