Ovarian cancer surgery

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Ovarian cancer is a very common disease in women. Ovarian cancer surgery is a method to remove the tumor in the ovary, preventing recurrence and metastasis.

1. Learn about ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a cancer that represents a condition in which malignant tumors arise from one or two ovaries, abnormal cells grow out of control and do not comply with the body's needs. can invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs and can metastasize to distant organs in the body and cause secondary cancers in those organs.
Common types of ovarian cancer include:
Carcinoma of the ovary is cancer cells that develop from cells on the surface of the ovary. This is the most common type. Germ cell cancer is cancer that begins in the cells that produce eggs, and is less common than carcinoma. Ovarian cancer begins in the tissue cells that support the ovary. This type is also uncommon Ovarian cancer can occur at any age. However, most appear to be over 50 years old, the rate of ovarian cancer increases above 60 years of age.
There are 4 stages of development of ovarian cancer:
Stage 1: This stage the tumor is confined to the ovary or fallopian tube and has not spread to other organs. 1A cancer is in only one ovary or fallopian tube 1B cancer has been in both ovary or fallopian tube but not further. 1C means the cancer is still inside the ovary or fallopian tube and has broken through the surface of the ovary to reach the outside. Stage 2: In this stage, cancer has begun to spread to organs in the pelvis. 2A can spread to the uterus or fallopian tubes 2B is when it has grown into other nearby organs in the pelvis Stage 3: Cancer has spread to organs outside the pelvis such as the colon, bladder or rectum, stomach, vagina,... Stage 4: Cancer cells invade deep into the lymphatic system, metastasize to distant organs such as lungs, bones, ...

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2. Ovarian cancer surgery

Treatment for ovarian cancer has many options, depending on the stage of tumor growth. Doctors often combine surgery and chemotherapy. Ovarian cancer surgery is a surgical treatment to remove the tumor present in the ovary to prevent recurrence and metastasis. Ovarian cancer surgery is a complete hysterectomy, two appendages and also the great omentum. Remove as much of the tumor as possible. The resection may be less if the disease is detected at an early stage.
Ovarian cancer surgery is indicated in cases of stage I cancer, stage II cancer, and advanced cancer that has been treated with chemotherapy. Contraindicated in cases of metastatic ovarian cancer in many places.
Steps of ovarian cancer surgery:
Step 1: Preparation
Before the surgery, the patient will be discussed by the doctor, have a full body examination and a specialist to evaluate the co-morbidities. Advise patients and family members of possible risks. Instruct the patient to clean the body, bathe with antiseptic solution and enema. Patients should fast for at least 8 hours prior to surgery. Medical staff need to prepare surgical medical records as prescribed Step 2: Surgical steps
Step 1: Open the abdomen according to the white line between below the navel and above the navel if necessary Step 2: Explore the abdomen - Collect fluid Abdominal cytology - Evaluation of tumor Stage 3: Excision of the tumor, obtaining to possible tumor tissue Stage 4: Complete hysterectomy and 2 appendages Stage 5: Large omentectomy Stage 6: Dissection of lymph nodes Bilateral iliac: Dissection of lymph nodes at branching iliac artery for immediate testing, if test is positive, dissect lymph nodes along blood vessel to bifurcation of main iliac arteries, if test is positive, remove lymph nodes lymph nodes along the aorta up to the diaphragm. Check and stop bleeding carefully then 7: Close the abdomen according to anatomical layers After surgery, the patient should be monitored for hemodynamic factors, abdominal monitoring, vaginal bleeding

Phẫu thuật ung thư buồng trứng là phẫu thuật cắt tử cung hoàn toàn
Phẫu thuật ung thư buồng trứng là phẫu thuật cắt tử cung hoàn toàn
In summary, Ovarian cancer surgery is a surgical treatment to remove the tumor to avoid recurrence and metastasis. Ovarian cancer surgery can cause complications such as postoperative bleeding, peritonitis, damage to the digestive tract, urinary tract, blood vessels,... Therefore, after surgery, the patient should be monitored. If you see any abnormal symptoms, you should immediately notify your doctor for timely intervention.
To meet the needs of women for gynecological cancer screening, Vinmec International Hospital currently offers a screening package and early detection of gynecological cancer, helping to detect 4 diseases early: Cancer cervical cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer even if the patient has no symptoms.
The subjects who should use the Gynecological cancer screening and early detection package include:
Female customers, over 40 years old Customers wishing to be able to screen for pathology of breast-gynecological cancer (neck) uterus, uterus, ovaries) Customers with high risk of cancer – especially customers with a family history of breast cancer, gynecology Women of reproductive age, perimenopause Menopause and menopause Women are having symptoms of breast cancer, gynecological such as: pain in the breast, lump in the breast, bleeding outside of the menstrual period, abdominal pain, etc...

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