Magnesium plays a crucial role in bone formation and in the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids, helping pregnant women alleviate fatigue, weakness, and pregnancy-related obesity.
1. The Benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium (Mg) is essential for the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, and certain B vitamins. It helps regulate the nervous system and muscle function, playing a crucial role in converting blood sugar into energy and burning fat for energy. As a result, it helps combat fatigue, weakness, and obesity. Additionally, magnesium promotes blood vessel relaxation, which supports cardiovascular health and helps prevent cardiovascular incidents.
Magnesium for Pregnant Women has a particularly special role for pregnant women, as it helps prevent preeclampsia, thereby reducing the risk of preterm birth and maternal mortality. Moreover, magnesium alleviates symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), maintains strong teeth and bones, prevents calcium deposits that can lead to kidney stones, and reduces indigestion and constipation. Magnesium also acts as a natural sedative to combat stress, slow aging, and prevent cancer.
The human body contains approximately 20g of magnesium, mainly found in the bones and muscles. Each day, magnesium is lost through sweat and urine. Adults require about 420mg of magnesium daily, while pregnant and breastfeeding women need around 400mg/day.
Magnesium functions similarly to insulin, helping to maintain stable blood glucose levels. It works synergistically with calcium to strengthen bones and teeth. Additionally, magnesium helps regulate cholesterol levels and prevent heart rhythm disorders. Both physical and mental stress increase the body’s magnesium requirements.
Severe magnesium deficiency during pregnancy can lead to serious complications, including preeclampsia (high blood pressure and seizures), preterm birth, neonatal death, and congenital defects.

2. Why is Magnesium Important During Pregnancy?
In addition to the primary reasons mentioned above, magnesium provides various other benefits for both the mother and the baby during pregnancy:
Synergistic Effect with Calcium: Magnesium and calcium work together harmoniously. While magnesium helps relax muscles, calcium stimulates muscle contractions. Adequate magnesium levels can keep the uterine muscles relaxed until the 35th week of pregnancy.
Reduces the Risk of Osteoporosis: Appropriate levels of magnesium and calcium slow down the natural process of bone degradation, helping to maintain bone health.
Relieves Muscle Cramps: Muscle cramps are a common symptom during pregnancy. Magnesium helps alleviate cramps, reduces the intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions, and contributes to the treatment of constipation.
Reduces Stress: Magnesium is an excellent choice for relieving stress and insomnia, which are frequent issues during pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe magnesium as a standalone supplement alongside prenatal vitamins.
Supports Childbirth: Magnesium helps stabilize blood pressure and increases pain tolerance, making labor a smoother and less stressful experience.
Reduces Nausea: Magnesium can treat nausea, one of the most common symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy.
Treats Headaches: Magnesium supplementation may alleviate migraine symptoms during pregnancy. It works by relaxing cerebral blood vessels and preventing the buildup of lactic acid, which can cause tension and migraines.
Reduces the Risk of Cerebral Palsy: According to a study published in Australia, supplementing with magnesium sulfate for women at risk of preterm birth can protect the fetus from developing cerebral palsy.
3. Effects of Magnesium on the Fetus
Some studies indicate that magnesium supplementation during pregnancy can result in both benefits and potential drawbacks for the fetus:
- Magnesium supplementation has a positive impact on fetal development, promoting healthy growth.
- Oral magnesium intake helps enhance fetal blood circulation, ensuring better oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby.
- Newborns tend to have better sleep cycles if their mothers received adequate magnesium supplementation during pregnancy.

4. How Much Magnesium is Needed During Pregnancy?
The recommended daily intake of magnesium during pregnancy ranges from 350-360mg. Pregnant women aged 19-30 years should aim for 350mg, while those aged 31 years and older should consume 360mg. Nausea, vomiting, and food aversions during pregnancy can lead to magnesium deficiency, making supplementation essential alongside a magnesium-rich diet during pregnancy.
Instead of immediately resorting to supplements, it’s advisable to first evaluate your daily diet. But is magnesium supplementation a good idea?
Excessive intake of any nutrient can harm the body. Pregnant women should only supplement magnesium if their diet does not provide adequate amounts. Self-medicating is strictly discouraged. Always consult a doctor and only supplement under their recommendation. In practice, many doctors include magnesium as part of prenatal vitamins to ensure proper intake during pregnancy.
Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?
Các dấu hiệu mang thai sớm không phải chỉ mỗi trễ kinh mà còn có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác như xuất huyết âm đạo, ngực căng tức,… Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu dấu hiệu mang thai sớm thông qua bài trắc nghiệm này nhé!
5. Magnesium-Rich Foods for Pregnant Women
To provide the body with the recommended amount of magnesium, pregnant women should maintain a proper diet. Many animal and plant-based foods, green vegetables, grains, legumes, breakfast cereals, fiber-rich foods, and fortified products are rich sources of magnesium. Processed foods should be avoided.Additionally, the magnesium content in water ranges from 1-120mg/L. Foods high in magnesium include almonds, roasted cashews, cereals, shredded wheat, one cup of soy milk, peanuts, black beans, peanut butter, whole-grain bread, potatoes, soybeans, broccoli, beef, apples, bananas, and more.
Create a meal plan that includes these foods to ensure proper magnesium supplementation for both the mother and the baby.

6. Can Magnesium Supplementation Cause Side Effects?
It is unlikely to consume too much magnesium through food during pregnancy. However, when magnesium supplements are taken, pregnant women may face the risk of magnesium overdose. Below are some side effects of magnesium supplementation:
Diarrhea and Dehydration
Magnesium supplementation can stimulate bowel movements in some pregnant women, leading to diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and reduced appetite. If diarrhea is not treated, it may cause dehydration—a serious symptom during pregnancy. Pregnant women experiencing diarrhea for 2-3 days while taking magnesium should consult their doctor immediately.
Stomach Pain
Common pregnancy symptoms include nausea and vomiting (morning sickness). Magnesium supplementation may trigger similar symptoms. These symptoms often subside within a few hours after treatment, but if they persist, medical advice should be sought promptly.
Drug Interactions
Magnesium supplementation may interact with certain medications. If you are taking antibiotics, blood pressure medications, calcium channel blockers, diabetes medications, etc., consult your doctor before starting magnesium supplements.
If a pregnant woman experiences any of the following symptoms after taking magnesium supplements, seek emergency medical care immediately. Magnesium overdose can be fatal if not treated promptly.
Symptoms to Watch For:
- Persistent vomiting
- Irregular heartbeat
- Difficulty breathing
- Muscle weakness
- Low blood pressure
- Confusion or drowsiness
During pregnancy, the mother’s body needs to be well-cared for and nourished. However, it is not always necessary to rely on medications and supplements to meet these needs. Maintain a balanced diet and stay in regular contact with your doctor. Additionally, understanding magnesium salts and their benefits during pregnancy is crucial.
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