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Articles in Pregnant

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What is considered normal for fetal ultrasound results?
I am currently 28 weeks pregnant. I recently had a fetal ultrasound with the following results. Doctor, could you tell me what normal ultrasound results look like?
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Vaginal discharge during pregnancy
Is vaginal discharge during pregnancy a problem? This is a question of many women when they are pregnant for the first time, still surprised by the symptoms of pregnancy. Let's follow the article below to better understand vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
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Overcoming Shortness of Breath and Rapid Heartbeat During Pregnancy
Rapid heartbeat during pregnancy is a common occurrence for most expectant mothers, causing understandable concern. So, what causes this phenomenon, is it dangerous, and what are the solutions? Let's join Dr. Master Trần Hồng Nhật, Cardiology Center of Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, to explore this topic in the following article.
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How to clean nipples during the last 3 months of pregnancy to reduce blocked milk ducts
Pregnant women, in addition to fatigue due to morning sickness and hormonal changes, also experience more than normal breast growth, especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy. Knowing how to care for and clean your nipples during pregnancy will help protect your baby's milk supply.
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Is Diarrhea During Pregnancy Dangerous?
Mild diarrhea during pregnancy typically resolves on its own with adequate hydration and electrolyte replenishment. However, severe diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain, especially in the first trimester, can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.
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Eating Watermelon during pregnancy: Benefits and Drawbacks
Watermelon is a hydrating fruit with several potential benefits during pregnancy. It may help reduce swelling, minimize pregnancy-related complications, alleviate morning sickness, and contribute to healthy skin. However, few of these claims are strongly supported by scientific evidence. This article reviews research to determine whether watermelon offers any specific advantages for pregnant women.
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Can I get pregnant if I have sex 5 days before my period?
Hello doctor! My period is 28 days, on February 25th I had my period and on March 20th I had sex. Doctor, can I get pregnant? I hope you can advise me. Thank you!
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Why Should Pregnant Women Supplement with Magnesium?
Magnesium plays a crucial role in bone formation and in the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids, helping pregnant women alleviate fatigue, weakness, and pregnancy-related obesity.
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Management of threatened miscarriage in the first trimester
The first trimester of pregnancy is crucial for the mother because the fetus hasn't yet been firmly implanted in the mother’s uterus. Threatened miscarriage is a common problem during the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women need a proper diet, rest, and regular prenatal checkups to prevent it.
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Pregnancy but no weight gain, little weight gain: What is the cause?
Pregnant women who are underweight during pregnancy will not ensure enough energy for the fetus to develop, reduce the baby's brain function and can cause the mother to face signs of premature labor, and the baby will be born with low birth weight and stunted growth, malnutrition, respiratory failure, ...
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When does the fetus's gender form?
The formation of the fetus's gender occurs at the moment the egg and sperm meet. According to the principle: an egg carrying the X chromosome meets a sperm carrying the X chromosome, forming an XX zygote – female gender. Conversely, an egg carrying the X chromosome meets a sperm carrying the Y chromosome, forming an XY zygote – male gender.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics