Or craving sweets, is it because the body lacks something?

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There are many types of sweets that you usually think of when you feel a craving. Depending on the type of food, cravings for sweets can be a sign that your body is suffering from a nutritional deficiency.

1. Lack of calcium and magnesium causes cravings for sweets

If you are craving sweets like carbonated soft drinks, you may be lacking in calcium and magnesium, making your body tired and not alert. The main ingredient of soft drinks is caffeine, so it can help you stay awake, but it is also addictive. However, consuming soft drinks does not help you supplement these 2 minerals, on the contrary, it also makes the body more deficient in calcium and magnesium.
In addition to carbonated soft drinks, if you crave a chocolate bar, your body may be deficient in magnesium. Or anxiety, stress, maybe even depression are manifestations of magnesium deficiency.
So, to be more alert and reduce cravings for sweets, you can eat chocolate. There have been studies proving that, if you eat about 100g - 400g of dark chocolate every day, you can improve depression. But it should be noted that it must be dark chocolate, not milk chocolate commonly sold in supermarkets.

2. Lack of chromium makes the body not have enough energy to function

When the body lacks chromium, it will affect the blood sugar balance, making you feel like you don't have enough energy to function. At that time, you will feel craving for sweets.
In the body, chromium and insulin play a role in blood sugar balance, weight control and appetite. Hypoglycemia or dysglycemia caused by chromium deficiency will prompt the body to seek out sweets.
However, to avoid consuming too much sweets that cause weight gain, diabetes, you should not eat candy. Instead, it should be supplemented with foods such as cereals, eggs, seafood such as oysters, fresh and dried fruits such as kohlrabi, cherries, grapes, ...

Khi cơ thể thiếu crom có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy thèm ăn ngọt
Khi cơ thể thiếu crom có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy thèm ăn ngọt

3. Vitamin B deficiency causes cravings for sweets

Sweet cravings when the mood is tense, moody, sad can also be because your body is seriously lacking in B vitamins. B vitamins including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) are vitamins involved in the production of energy.
When the brain does not receive enough energy to function, the mind is under pressure, which will cause the body to look to sweet foods to improve this condition. In addition, you also tend to eat more fat. Therefore, after a period of stress, you tend to gain weight. To avoid this situation, instead of consuming sweets, add foods such as soybeans, peanuts, fish oil and drink more orange juice.
If you often think about sweet foods, crave sweets with symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, stress, lack of alertness, etc., you may be lacking in some important minerals such as calcium. , magnesium, chromium, vitamins of group B. Therefore, it is very necessary to visit a doctor to supplement micronutrients.

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