What are the normal pregnancy ultrasound results?

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Hello doctor,
I am currently 28 weeks pregnant. I just had a pregnancy ultrasound and the results are as follows:
Biparietal diameter: 69mm Head circumference: 248mm Femur length: 51mm Abdominal diameter: 73mm Abdominal circumference: 230mm The doctor asked me the results What is normal fetal ultrasound? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Answered by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Mai - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
With the question "What is normal pregnancy ultrasound result?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
28 weeks pregnant with the following indicators:
Diameter of biparietal: 69mm. head: 248mm, femur length: 51mm, transverse abdominal diameter: 73mm, abdominal circumference: 230m. Among these indices, there is biparietal in the 7th percentile, head circumference is in the 10th percentile, and the If your baby has a small head, but normal brain structure, you can rest assured that the baby will still develop in a healthy way.
In addition, the biparietal diameter Smaller than standard can be due to the following reasons:
The brain is not fully developed, making the biparietal diameter small, with this condition when the baby is born, it is easy to encounter neurological sequelae, poor brain development, physical failure to keep pace with growth and low resistance to blood pressure disease Small biparietal diameter can also be caused by flat head syndrome Flat head is a syndrome cause episodes Neck torticollis (head tilted to one side, chin tilted to the other) it is these effects that directly affect the skull and make the biparietal diameter smaller than the norm. The cause of this syndrome is the lack of amniotic fluid and the mother's improper nutrition. Microcephaly is the cause of the small biparietal diameter. The case of microcephaly due to genetics, brain structural abnormalities, metabolic diseases or environmental influences that cause small biparietal diameter will be a notable case, because it will affect the development of the brain. children's intelligence and senses later. To diagnose whether the fetus has microcephaly syndrome or not, certain conditions must be met. For example, gestational age must be accurately determined, and the technique of measuring head size must be correct and appropriate. Doctors will order an ultrasound and do further tests to know for sure. Therefore, do not worry too much, it is important to rest and eat scientifically to help the fetus develop in the best way.
If you still have questions about pregnancy ultrasound, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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