With main components including potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate, what is Panangin and what conditions is it indicated for?
Read the article below for more useful information about this medication.
1. What is Panangin?
Panangin contains in each film-coated tablet 140mg of anhydrous Magnesium aspartate (existing as 175 mg Magnesium aspartate.4H2O), equivalent to 11.8 mg Mg2+ and 158 mg of anhydrous Potassium aspartate (existing as 166.3mg Potassium aspartate.1/2H2O) equivalent to 36.2 mg K+. Besides the main active ingredients, Panangin also contains excipients such as Colloidal anhydrous silica, Polyvidone, Magnesium Stearate, Talc powder, corn starch, potato starch...
Another dosage form of the drug is intravenous infusion solution (containing 400 mg magnesium aspartate and 452 mg potassium aspartate)
Mg2+ and K+ are important intracellular cations in the function of many enzymes, in macromolecular bonds with cellular elements, and in muscle contraction mechanisms. Cardiac muscle contraction is affected by the ratio of intracellular and extracellular concentrations of ions such as: K+, Ca2+, Na+.
2. Uses of Panangin
The two main active ingredients in Panangin play an extremely important role in many different metabolic processes in the human body, especially in the function of the nervous system, muscular system and cardiovascular system.
Panangin is a drug used to treat certain chronic cardiovascular diseases such as: heart failure, post-myocardial infarction condition. Panangin is also indicated as supplementary treatment in some cases of cardiac arrhythmia (Irregular heartbeat), hypertension (high blood pressure), neuromuscular irritability, muscle spasms.
Prevention and treatment of Magnesium deficiency conditions, increased Potassium and Magnesium requirements, increased consumption of deficient ions, patients with significant electrolyte loss. In treatment with cardiac glycosides, Panangin helps compensate for the decrease in K+ and Mg2+ ion content of spinal muscles, heart muscles, plasma and red blood cells caused by the medication.

3. How to use Panangin
What is the dosage of Panangin? Unless specifically indicated otherwise by the doctor, the usual dosage of Panangin is 1-2 tablets each time, 3 times per day, in some cases can be increased to 3 tablets each time, 3 times per day.
Gastric acid in the digestive system can reduce the effectiveness of Panangin.
Therefore, when prescribed this medication, patients should swallow the tablets whole, not chew them and should take the medication after meals. If for any reason you have taken more Panangin than instructed, stop the medication immediately and seek doctor's advice.
For injectable Panangin: mix 2 injection ampoules in 50-100 ml of 5% glucose solution, slow intravenous injection or slow drip infusion at medical facilities as prescribed by doctor.
4. Contraindications of Panangin
- Contraindications of Panangin are people with history of hypersensitivity to any component in the medication;
- Patients with acute and chronic renal failure;
- Addison's disease;
- Patients with third-degree atrioventricular block;
- Cardiogenic shock (systolic blood pressure below 90mmHg).

5. Precautions when using Panangin
With some conditions that tend to cause hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the blood), the additional use of Panangin must be under close medical supervision.
6. Undesirable effects of Panangin
- Notify your doctor immediately when encountering unusual effects when using Panangin (Magnesium side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, dry mouth, body weakness, feeling tired)
- High doses of Panangin can cause laxative effect;
- There is no in-depth research data on harmful effects of Panangin when used for pregnant women and during breastfeeding;
- When injecting Panangin intravenously, symptoms related to hypermagnesemia (too much magnesium in the blood) may occur.
7. Interactions of Panangin with other medications
Panangin can inhibit the absorption of oral tetracycline antibiotics, iron salts and sodium fluoride. Therefore, the interval between doses of Panangin and the above medications is 3 hours;
When using Panangin simultaneously with potassium-sparing diuretics and/or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may lead to hyperkalemia.
8. What to do in case of Panangin overdose?
If Panangin is overdosed, the patient's blood Magnesium and Potassium levels may increase causing some adverse symptoms. In that case, Panangin must be stopped immediately and symptomatic treatment provided (may include intravenous injection of Calcium chloride solution 100mg/minute, perform dialysis if necessary).
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