Who should not sauna to treat flu?

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Sauna treatment for colds is a method that has been used for a long time in the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. Although this is a widely used method, we do not always know when to use a sauna to treat a cold.

1. What is the effect of a cold sauna?

Cold weather is a favorable condition for viruses to grow causing illnesses such as colds and flu. When infected with a virus, sauna is a measure applied to reduce symptoms as well as discomfort for the patient. Some effects of sauna can be mentioned as:
The heat rising from the steam pot helps to dilate peripheral blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation and stimulate sweat glands to eliminate toxins in the body. . According to oriental medicine, the evil gases that cause diseases such as cold, low, and wind can be brought out through sweat, thereby helping to treat colds. Sauna when you have a cold or flu often use some herbs with essential oils such as lemongrass, basil, basil, chrysanthemum frequency, great compassion, mint, perilla, marjoram... essential oils in general are common. Has the effect of killing some types of pathogenic microorganisms, helping to relax the body. The leaves when we use them have different effects such as: Lemongrass stimulates digestion, antiseptic, except phlegm; Peppermint disinfects the oropharynx, anti-inflammatory, clears the nose and throat, relieves headaches; Perilla, marjoram has the use of anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory; Frankincense has the effect of clearing heat, clearing gas, reducing pain, excepting low, reducing headaches; Dai Bi has antiseptic, expectorant, cough...

Xông hơi khi bị cảm cúm thường sử dụng một số loại thảo dược có tinh dầu như sả, hương nhu, húng quế...
Xông hơi khi bị cảm cúm thường sử dụng một số loại thảo dược có tinh dầu như sả, hương nhu, húng quế...

2. How to use a sauna at home to treat colds?

We can steam at home to treat colds according to the following steps:
First, prepare some available leaves and depending on the symptoms to choose the right leaves, you can choose herbs such as lemongrass, perilla , basil, mint, chrysanthemum frequency, wormwood... 1 big handful each. Wash and put the leaves in the pot except the mint, then pour the ginseng into the water. Next, boil for about 5-10 minutes, then add the mint to boil again, then turn off the heat. Peppermint has a lot of essential oils, if you cook it for a long time, it will lose all the essential oils. Choose a sheltered place, prepare a thin blanket in advance. Take off your clothes, cover your head with a blanket, open the steamer slowly so that your body can adapt to the hot environment. Steam for about 5-10 minutes, you can remove the blanket to adjust to the temperature or when you feel too hot, remove the blanket to avoid overheating. Continue to steam until you feel sweaty and feel comfortable, then stop. Dry yourself, put on clothes and drink cooled steam or warm water to avoid dehydration. Lie down to rest after steaming.

3. Who should not use a sauna to treat a cold?

Although sauna treatment for colds is not a strange method to us, it is still important to note that some objects should not be used in saunas such as:
People who have a high fever, are sweating a lot or have indigestion. bleeding causes dehydration, people with blood loss should not be steamed. The inhalation inadvertently makes the condition worse, causing dehydration, low blood pressure. People with high blood pressure or fluctuating blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, reduced feeling of hot and cold, weak people, old and weak, just woke up should not be steamed. Women who are pregnant, are on their period. Children under 12 years old. People with mental illness or severe skin disease should also not steam. Do not give steam to people who have a cold due to the sun, are tired or nauseous.

Xông hơi trị cảm không phải phương pháp gì xa lạ
Xông hơi trị cảm không phải phương pháp gì xa lạ

4. Notes on sauna treatment for colds

In order for the sauna to be effective, the patient needs to avoid the following undesirable effects:
Only dry yourself after the sauna, do not shower immediately after the sauna because the pores are open. When it is cold, it will close, not draining sweat and evil spirits out, so it will reduce the effect of steaming. You should shower or clean your body before steaming. The way to cook a steam bath is relatively simple, but because the heat from the steam can cause burns, you should only let the sauna temperature be 7-8 degrees Celsius higher than your body temperature, pay attention during the steaming process. Do not let the heat get too close to the skin to cause burns and do not steam for more than 30 minutes. Because the body will be dehydrated when steaming, it is necessary to drink warm water after the sauna, pay attention not to drink cold water because it causes an imbalance in the body's heat. During the steaming process, if you feel short of breath, dizzy, or weak, you need to stop immediately. Drink warm water and lie down for further monitoring, if the condition worsens but does not improve after rest, you need to go to the hospital. Sauna treatment is applied when the patient is infected with common viruses and can support the treatment of the disease. However, you should not inhale too many times because it causes dehydration and poor electrolytes. If the symptoms of the disease do not decrease but worsen, the patient should go to medical facilities for a full examination and find the cause of the disease. In short, sauna is a method that has been used for a long time in the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. In order to avoid the sauna affecting the body, it should not be used and must be done properly, always have someone to assist when steaming to handle it promptly if any abnormality occurs.

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