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Articles in Cold

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Dosage of Tamiflu for children
Tamiflu (the active ingredient oseltamivir phosphate) works by attacking the flu viruses, preventing them from multiplying in the body and helping to relieve flu symptoms. Tamiflu is indicated for the treatment of influenza in adults and children including term neonates (with influenza virus type A and type B).
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What does Tamiflu do?
Tamiflu (active ingredient oseltamivir phosphate) is an antiviral drug that treats influenza, which works by attacking the flu, preventing it from multiplying in the body and helping to relieve symptoms. Tamiflu, depending on the case, can help prevent flu if people take it before they get sick.
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Antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections
Although the cause of upper respiratory tract infection is mainly viral, in some cases doctors still prescribe antibiotics for upper respiratory infections. So, in what cases do you need antibiotics to treat upper respiratory infections?
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Acticon drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
In addition to reducing symptoms of the common cold, acticon may also be used to interfere with certain medical/laboratory tests such as brain scans for Parkinson's disease, drug screening tests in urine... The article will provide more information on the uses and indications for use of the drug.
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Aceta-Gesic: Uses, indications and notes when using
Aceta-Gesic belongs to the group of drugs containing acetaminophen, which helps improve symptoms of colds and flu, muscle aches and pains. Medicines are usually prescribed by a doctor/pharmacist. Arbitrarily buying drugs to take can cause many risks, even threatening the patient's life.
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Allergy and sinus headache medicine Diphenhyd - PE - Acetaminophen: Uses, indications and cautions when using
Allergies when changing weather, headache caused by sinuses, runny nose, sneezing are common symptoms when changing seasons. These problems bring a lot of discomfort to the patient. Therefore, the drug Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen was chosen as a solution to help patients feel more comfortable.
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Instructions for using cold medicine for adults
Often over-the-counter (OTC) medicines won't cure a cold completely, but they can help you feel better. So you can rest at the end of the treatment. Here are some cold symptoms and suggestions of cold and flu medicine combined with uses for your reference.
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Antitussive DM: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Cough is a relatively uncomfortable sign for many people, coughing can be caused by many different respiratory diseases, one of which is a cough caused by a cold. For treatment, patients can use cough suppressants, including a combination product, Antitussive DM.
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Nasal sprays to relieve colds
With erratic weather conditions, the annual rate of colds is increasing. Nasal sprays can provide topical treatment, reducing pain, swelling, and congestion caused by colds quickly. Choosing the right nasal spray plays an important role in the effectiveness of treatment. So now on the market there are any nasal sprays to relieve colds.
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Can Otrivin 0.05 Nasal Drops be used for babies?
Otrivin nasal drops work to relieve symptoms associated with increased mucus secretion and facilitate the discharge of congested secretions, making breathing easier in cases of nasal congestion. So can otrivin 0.05 nasal drops be used for babies?
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Should you use nasal drops for pregnant women?
During pregnancy, many pregnant women suffer from stuffy nose, runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing, persistent symptoms, which are easy to recur, especially at night, causing poor sleep, causing stress, affecting health health of mother and baby. At this time, pregnant women with stuffy nose often worry about what to do to get rid of the disease and be safe for the development of the fetus. Let's learn to know and understand which nasal drops for pregnant women are safe and effective.
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