What medicine should people with dengue fever take?

What medicines should be taken for dengue fever? This is a question that many people ask because there is no specific treatment for the disease, and it can only help relieve symptoms. Dengue fever is transmitted through mosquitoes, which typically bite people in the early morning or late evening.

1. What is dengue fever?

Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by the Dengue virus. The primary mode of transmission is through mosquitoes. Currently, there is no vaccine or specific treatment for this disease, despite major progress in medical science. Therefore, the treatment for dengue patients focuses on reducing the symptoms of the disease.
The main symptoms that the disease can cause include fatigue, fever, body aches,.... Since the symptoms are non-specific, they can easily be confused with a common cold or flu. Therefore, many cases attempt self-treatment at home, which may worsen the illness. Dengue patients need to be diagnosed as early as possible and strictly follow the doctor's instructions, without taking medication on their own.

2. The Stages of Dengue Fever Development

The treatment for the disease primarily focuses on reducing the symptoms. These symptoms will progressively appear over time.

Fever Stage: Occurs 1 to 2 days after the initial infection. The patient experiences a high fever ranging from 39 to 40°C, lasting from 2 to 7 days. Symptoms may include rashes, muscle pain, joint pain, eye socket pain,..

Severe stage of the disease: In this stage, the patient may still have a fever or the fever may have diminished. At this point, clear symptoms will appear, such as: subcutaneous bleeding (appearing on the abdomen, thighs, calves, inner arms), gum bleeding, nosebleeds,...In severe cases, the patient may experience bleeding in internal organs (such as the heart membrane, pleura, peritoneum, digestive system, and even the brain). At this stage, the patient requires special medical care. Recovery stage: The patient’s fever decreases, and the condition gradually improves. The patient’s appetite returns, urination increases, and they gradually return to normal.

3. What medicine should people with dengue fever take?

Some medicines to relieve dengue fever symptoms:
Paracetamol: The first symptoms that appear are fever and headache, so paracetamol is commonly used. However, this medicine can be harmful to the liver if the patient does not follow the correct dosage. Taking too much can result in liver damage or toxicity. The time interval between doses should be 4 to 6 hours. You should not take the medicine earlier than the prescribed time or increase the dosage without medical advice. Rehydration and electrolyte replacement for the patient: The patient needs to be frequently rehydrated by drinking cooled boiled water, fruit juices, or using oral rehydration salts (ORS)

4. Which medicines should people with dengue fever avoid?

Aspirin: This is also a medication that can effectively reduce fever and relieve pain. However, aspirin has the ability to prevent platelet aggregation, so it should not be used by dengue patients during treatment. This medicine can increase bleeding and does not stop bleeding.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): This medication has a similar effect to aspirin in preventing platelet aggregation.

Antibiotics: The cause of dengue fever is a virus, while antibiotics are only effective against bacteria.Therefore, antibiotics are in effective in treating dengue fever.

Dengue fever is a serious and potentially deadly disease. Without timely treatment, it can lead to complications like bleeding in the mucous membranes, internal bleeding, brain hemorrhage, and even death. This is why it is important for people to take regular preventive measures to stop the disease from spreading in the community.

At Vinmec International General Hospital, many severe cases of dengue fever with complications have been successfully treated and managed. The medical examination and treatment process at Vinmec is carried out systematically and thoroughly, under the guidance of a team of highly skilled and experienced doctors. Additionally, with the support of modern infrastructure and advanced medical equipment, the treatment process has achieved high effectiveness.
If you wish to get examined and treated for dengue fever at Vinmec, please make an appointment directly on the website or contact the hotline for assistance.

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