Note hair loss after dengue fever

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Hair loss is one of the common sequelae after dengue fever. However, excessive hair loss after a dengue fever can be a cause for concern and should be addressed soon. So how to recognize hair loss after dengue fever and what to do to overcome it?

1. What is post-dengue hair loss?

Dengue fever is a common infectious disease today caused by the dengue virus. The vector of dengue fever has been identified as a mosquito species. Although dengue can be cured, some patients who recover from the disease have some sequelae, most notably a lot of hair loss after having dengue fever.
Some patients, even though they have recovered from dengue fever, have just recovered, so the body is still in a state of weakness, which causes hair to gradually fall out due to insufficient blood supply as usual. Compared with physiological hair loss, hair loss after dengue is more worrisome and needs to be treated early.
So how long does hair loss after dengue fever last? Usually, signs of hair loss will occur about 1 to 2 months after healing, sometimes lasting longer. The amount of hair loss is a lot, even some patients lose 1/3 of the normal hair.

2. Causes of hair loss after dengue fever

The part of the hair follicle (or hairline) located under the scalp contains many small blood vessels (or capillaries). This part of the hair follicle is closely linked with the oily skin to provide the necessary nutrients for hair growth. Simply put, blood is the source of life to nourish our hair like all other organs.
When dengue fever, patients often have sequelae of hair loss later and this condition often occurs in people who have just woken up, have symptoms of high fever or postpartum women.
The main cause of a lot of hair loss after dengue fever is believed to be due to the insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair roots. At that time, the amount of nutrients stored in the hair follicles will gradually be used up, and the blood supply is not enough, which will cause the hair follicles to atrophy, leading to dryness and fibrous phenomenon and the final result is hair loss. gradually.
Fever is a common symptom of dengue fever. When the patient has a fever, he cannot shower regularly, causing the sebaceous glands to not be cleaned, leading to clogged pores and thereby harming the hair.
On the other hand, psychological pressure is also one of the contributing factors to hair loss after dengue fever. Dengue fever patients often feel anxious, mentally depressed, and eat poorly, which will negatively affect their psychology and health.
The combination of all the above factors will lead to a lot of hair loss complications after dengue fever.

3. How to overcome hair loss after dengue fever

3.1. Diet to help prevent hair loss After recovering from dengue fever, the patient's body is often weakened, affecting hair health and causing a lot of hair loss. To overcome this situation, the patient needs to strengthen the supplement of necessary nutrients for the body in general and for the hair in particular.
Diet to support hair loss after dengue fever should note the following issues:
Fortify foods containing iron: Dengue patients' blood volume is often less than normal, so Iron supplementation to increase the body's blood formation is very necessary. Increasing iron in the diet helps patients after dengue fever have stronger hair, while supporting overall health recovery. Foods rich in iron that people with hair loss after dengue fever should supplement include kale, broccoli, red meat, chicken, fish...; Supplementing with Vitamin C helps increase iron absorption: Adding Vitamin C to meals is a way to help patients enhance iron absorption, thereby increasing hematopoiesis and limiting hair loss after dengue fever. Foods rich in vitamin C should include citrus fruits, baked potatoes, kale...; Enhance omega-3 fatty acids: This fatty acid has the function of preventing sequelae of hair loss after dengue fever. Fatty acids in the scalp cannot be produced by itself, but must be supplemented through the diet, so patients who lose a lot of hair after having dengue fever should increase their omega-3 supplements in their meals with sea fish such as fish. tuna, mackerel, salmon or nuts like walnuts...; Boost your hair with biotin: Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that is essential for hair health. Biotin deficiency is a cause of hair loss more easily, so patients after recovering from dengue fever should increase their meals with foods rich in Biotin such as egg whites, walnuts or brown rice.. .: Provide protein for hair loss prevention: A strong hair requires an adequate amount of protein. Protein deficiency will make the patient's hair weak, dry and brittle. Protein-rich foods that hair loss patients should supplement are poultry, tofu, broccoli, eggs, seafood... 3.2. Apply proper hair care measures In addition to a diet that provides enough necessary nutrients, patients with hair loss after dengue fever should have a suitable hair care regimen. The hair care process will not be too difficult when the patient pays attention to the following issues:
Choosing the right shampoo. In which, priority should be given to shampoo and conditioner products containing protein to smooth, thicker hair; People with sensitive scalp should carefully check product ingredients before use. Patients with a lot of hair loss after dengue fever should give preference to shampoos containing glucoside, isethionate and limit products with sulfates and parabens; Massage the scalp with nourishing oils such as coconut oil, lavender, almond ... will help blood circulation to the hair follicles more favorable. At the same time, massage will promote hair root cells to absorb more nutrients to grow hair, thereby preventing and improving hair loss after dengue fever. 3.3. Limiting activities that damage hair Hair drying should be limited at the new stage of dengue fever because the heat from the device will strip the protein in the hair, leading to thinning and more brittle hair. Besides, other hairdressing devices such as curling irons or straighteners also have the risk of affecting the hair, so it is also limited to use.
Limit curling too much because of the risk of breaking the bonds in the hair, changing the internal arrangement and making the hair weak, prone to lint and breakage.
Patients with hair loss after dengue fever should not tie their hair too tightly because this is also one of the causes of hair loss more easily.
In summary, hair loss is one of the common sequelae after dengue fever. However, a lot of hair loss after a dengue fever can very well be a sign of concern and should be addressed soon. Therefore, when this condition occurs but the use of measures does not improve, the patient should go to medical centers for examination and treatment.
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