The feeling of pain and burning when urinating makes pregnant women extremely uncomfortable. If you have not experienced this feeling, you will surely not imagine how annoying it is. However, pregnant mothers should not worry; in the following video, MSc., Specialist Level 2 Doctor Phung Thi Ly, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital, will tell you tips to treat frequent urination at home.
The video content is professionally consulted by MSc., Specialist Level 2 Doctor Phung Thi Ly, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital
1. Frequent urination and painful urination during pregnancy
Frequent urination is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. This symptom can start early in the first months and last until the last three months. However, this condition can also occur due to pathological factors.
Common causes: often occur in the first 3 months due to hormonal changes in the body that will increase the amount of blood and fluid excreted through the kidneys. At the same time, in the early stages, the fetus will put pressure on the bladder. At this time, the bladder will be stretched, and the pregnant mother will have to urinate more, but the amount of urine is very little. Along with that is a burning, uncomfortable feeling when urinating.
Usually, the condition of frequent urination in pregnant women will improve when the fetus enters the fourth month.
2. Pathological causes of frequent and painful urination
Urinary frequency in pregnant women can also occur due to diseases in the body. Diseases that women may encounter include sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, gynecological diseases, etc.
Urinary frequency will not be dangerous if it occurs due to hormonal changes. However, if this condition is accompanied by some of the following signs, pregnant women should be careful.
- Pain, a burning sensation when urinating.
- Accompanied by symptoms of fever, chills, fatigue
- Abdominal pain, back pain, frequent and uncontrolled urination.
- The feeling of urgent urination while only passing a very small amount of urine.
- Even laughing, sneezing, or coughing can cause a little urine to leak out.
- Blood in urine.
- Urine has a foul odor or is unusually cloudy.
- Vomiting, nausea, and sudden weight loss.
According to MSc., Specialist Level 2 Doctor Phung Thi Ly, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital..., to treat frequent urination, in addition to applying folk remedies, pregnant mothers can also perform drug-free treatments for frequent urination, such as:
Urinate while leaning forward: Leaning forward helps the amount of urine in the bladder to be discharged. This helps pregnant women improve the condition of frequent urination.
Or mothers can apply Kegel exercises. This is an exercise that helps strengthen the pelvic area and improve the condition of frequent urination.
How to do it:
- Patients perform vaginal contractions (similar to holding urine) and hold for 10 seconds.
- You rest for 10 seconds and then repeat about 10 times.
- When you get used to it, you can gradually increase the number of seconds each time.
- Do not exercise while urinating because it can cause urinary tract infections.
Pregnancy is a very sacred process for women. However, pregnant mothers cannot avoid troubles, including frequent urination and painful urination. Hopefully, through the advice of doctors, the video can provide pregnant mothers with useful knowledge, helping the pregnancy process to be more comfortable and favorable.
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