Home Tag Urinary tract infections

Articles in Urinary tract infections

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Uses of Rapiclav-1g
Currently, there are many articles on the market related to the drug Rapiclav-1g, but they are still incomplete. The following article provides information about the uses, dosage, and precautions when using Rapiclav-1g.
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What Should Be Done If a Child Experiences Foreskin Itching?
Foreskin itching is one of the characteristic symptoms of posthitis (an inflammation of the foreskin). When experiencing this condition, the child may experience pain during urination, itching, burning sensations, and discomfort. Therefore, parents should closely monitor the child's health status and seek medical evaluation and treatment promptly to prevent serious health complications.
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Tips to treat frequent urination and painful urination for pregnant women at home
The feeling of pain and burning when urinating makes pregnant women extremely uncomfortable. If you have not experienced this feeling, you will surely not imagine how annoying it is. However, pregnant mothers should not worry; in the following video, MSc., Specialist Level 2 Doctor Phung Thi Ly, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital, will tell you tips to treat frequent urination at home.
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Gonococcal Urethritis: Essential Information
One of the causes of urethritis is gonorrhea. Gonorrhea in general and gonorrhea urethritis in particular is a urinary tract infection caused by a bacteria called gonorrhea and has the ability to be sexually transmitted.
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Women with painful urination with blood, lower abdominal pain: Beware of urinary tract infection
Lower abdominal pain and painful urination with blood in women can be warning signs that you have a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections in women, if not diagnosed and treated early, can cause many dangerous complications, affecting the quality of daily life and even endangering the patient's life.
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