The truth of ways to sleep less without being tired

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Sleep is one of the most important factors that directly affects your health and well-being. Surely you do not want to wear "panda" eyes, mentally exhausted to start a new working and studying day because of lack of sleep. For a good quality of life refer to the methods of sleeping less without fatigue.
Video content is professionally consulted by MSc. Dr. Vu Duy Dung, Neurologist, General Hospital Vinmec Times City

1. How much sleep is considered enough?

At different ages, there will be different amounts of sleep, the younger you are, the more time you need to sleep.
For infants, the time for sleep is from 11 to 17 hours Teenagers need from 9-12 hours of sleep to support mental and physical development. Most adults need enough sleep from 7 to 12 hours. 8 hours a day for optimal health. Meanwhile, the appropriate sleep time for the elderly is 7-8 hours. A full night's sleep is essential for everyone's health, but busy work and life pressure make many people not have time for sleep or even insomnia. They tend to find ways to sleep less without getting tired. Do these methods really work?
First, let's come up with a few methods of sleeping less and still being awake that are applied by many people:

1.1 Sleep cycle method (also known as 4-hour sleep method) For adults, a sleep lasts about 5-6 cycles and each cycle lasts 90 minutes. In a sleep cycle, there are 5 stages as follows: lull, light sleep, deep sleep, very deep sleep and dream sleep.
The maximum adult sleep time is 6 continuous cycles, or 9 hours per night, and the minimum sleep time is 3 cycles, or about 4.5 hours.
By calculation, change the number of cycles as desired not to exceed 6 and less than 3, resulting in your sleep time being in the dream phase. This is the reason why adults sleep less and are not tired.
That is the theory, but in practice there is no evidence that your body can adapt to a short sleep for a long time, that the organs in the body can adapt and function properly When in sleep like that or not, there is still no answer.
Besides, it's not easy to accurately calculate a reasonable sleep time and you will not be able to be sure whether you will wake up on time or not.
Depending on the body condition, sleeping less than 7 hours a night for a long time can increase the risk of developing risks such as: depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease,...

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1.2 Method 2: Split sleep and get multiple sleeps during the day Sleeping several times a day instead of once per night is called polyphasic sleep. One of the most popular polyphasic sleep programs involves six 20-minute naps evenly spaced throughout the day for a total of 3 hours/day.
Many people who apply this sleeping method believe that polyphasic sleep helps to sleep more effectively, get a suitable rest time and avoid mental fatigue. However, not everyone can easily fall asleep in such a small amount of time. Not only will this not keep you awake, but it can also cause insomnia.

2. How to sleep less but still have more energy?

Obviously cutting down on sleep is not a good idea and there is no way to shorten the time you sleep while still ensuring energy. Instead you can do some activities to improve sleep efficiency, avoid insomnia such as:
Have a healthy diet, nutrition, ensure enough energy for the body Remove equipment electronics such as phones and avoid too bright lights in the room to make it easier to fall asleep Limit alcohol and caffeine use Gentle exercise to warm up muscles, increase blood circulation and forget sadness sleep . The above are methods of sleeping less without fatigue, you can refer and apply to get the best quality of life.
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