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Articles in Hypertension

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Concor contains the active ingredient bisoprolol fumarate, indicated for the treatment of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and stable chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricular systolic function. Learn more about its uses and precautions in the article below.
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Low blood pressure after surgery
Any surgical procedure has potential risks during and after the operation. Postoperative hypotension is a problem that many people encounter. What causes this condition, and how can it be effectively managed?
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Is a blood pressure reading of 150/90 dangerous?
I would like to ask if a blood pressure reading of 150/90 is dangerous?
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Is a blood pressure reading of 140/80 concerning?
I am 27 years old, and during a health check, my blood pressure was measured at 140/80. The nurse advised me to see a cardiologist. Could you please let me know if a blood pressure reading of 140/80 is concerning?
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What is a Healthy Blood Pressure for a 70-Year-Old?
Blood pressure refers to the force exerted by blood on the walls of the body’s blood vessels, playing a crucial role in many bodily functions. For each age group, maintaining an appropriate blood pressure level is essential to ensure optimal organ function. For the elderly, especially those aged 70, monitoring blood pressure carefully is vital, as the body becomes weaker and less efficient compared to its younger years.
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High Diastolic Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know
When discussing hypertension, people often focus on overall blood pressure rather than the specific components. However, high diastolic blood pressure can lead to serious health complications that should not be overlooked.
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Does Consuming Sweets Increase Blood Pressure?
Foods high in sugar, salt, and saturated fats can raise blood pressure and harm cardiovascular health. By avoiding these foods, you can take proactive control of your blood pressure. Instead, adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help keep your heart healthy.
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Does bathing late at night relate to stroke?
Bathing is a daily activity that helps keep the body clean and relaxed after a long day of studying or working... However, bathing too late, for too long, or with water that is too hot or too cold... can easily lead to adverse health effects such as stroke, dizziness, or even cardiac arrest at midnight. Let's explore the harmful effects of late-night bathing through the article below.
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How long can a person hold breath?
Healthy people can hold their breath for 3 to 5 minutes. However, this duration can increase with regular practice, such as divers or professional athletes.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics