The role of proper nutrition

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Posted by Dr. Ho Thu Mai - Head of Nutrition Department, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the health of each of us. Currently in Vietnam, over 70% of deaths from diseases are due to nutrition-related non-communicable diseases.

1. What is the role of proper nutrition?

Among nutrition-related non-communicable diseases, the top are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, overweight - obesity, Gout, dyslipidemia... rationality is an important leading risk factor for the rapid rise of most of these chronic noncommunicable diseases.
A reasonable diet that meets the body's needs in different stages of the life cycle will create optimal growth and development for the fetus and young child as well as ensure health, good physical condition for later adults.

2. Building a reasonable diet

chúng ta cần ăn tù 15-20 loại thực phẩm mỗi ngày để đảm bảo cung cấp đủ chất dinh dưỡng
chúng ta cần ăn tù 15-20 loại thực phẩm mỗi ngày để đảm bảo cung cấp đủ chất dinh dưỡng

A reasonable meal is a meal that needs to be provided with adequate quality and quantity. They are:
Sufficient energy: The energy needs of each person will vary depending on age, sex, basal metabolism, level of labor and working environment, body size, medical condition .
Balance: In 4 food groups we eat every day including Protein, Lipid, Glucid, vitamins and minerals. In which only protein, fat and starch provide energy for the body. A reasonable meal must ensure a balance between 3 energy-producing substances: Protid (12-14%), Lipid (20-30%) and Glucid (56-68%).
Food variety: A reasonable diet needs to ensure a variety of foods every day. Every day we need to eat 15-20 types of food to ensure adequate supply of nutrients for the body's daily needs. Each meal should be provided with 4 groups of substances: starch (carbohydrate, Glucid), protein (Protein, Protid), fat (Lipid), vitamins and minerals.
Ensure food safety and hygiene: A reasonable diet needs to ensure food safety and hygiene. We need to choose food that is fresh, delicious and has a shelf life. Food needs to be produced cleanly, with clear origin, and properly processed and preserved.
Water: Every day the body loses about 1.5 liters of water through urine, feces, sweat, breath. When working, the body will lose more water. Therefore, to ensure the normal amount of water in the body, it is necessary to drink water to replace the lost part. Each person's water needs change depending on age, body temperature, weight, activity level, working environment, weather....
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