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Omega 3 is one of the essential functional foods that you should supplement for your body because humans cannot synthesize and create Omega 3 by themselves. However, the supplement of Omega 3 needs to be reasonable to have good effect, avoiding the side effects of Omega 3.1. What is Omega 3? What are the benefits of taking omega 3?
Omega 3 is an essential unsaturated fatty acid for the body. People need to supplement with Omega 3 because the human body cannot synthesize and make Omega 3 on its own. Omega 3 consists of 3 main types: EPA, DHA, DPA. So what are the benefits of taking Omega 3? Accordingly, Omega 3 brings good health benefits, preventing many diseases in humans such as:Preventing cardiovascular disease agents such as stroke, myocardial infarction and preventing atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries. vessels, treating rheumatoid arthritis and supporting the treatment of depression. Blood pressure: Omega 3 is effective for patients with high blood pressure. Prevent blood clotting: Because Omega 3 keeps platelets from clumping together, helping to prevent the formation of blood clots. Reducing fat in the liver: If you provide enough Omega 3 that your body needs, it will reduce the amount of fat in the liver and inflammation in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver. Brain development and vision improvement: DHA is an important nutrient for the development of vision and nerves in children and is a key component of the brain and retina of the eye. Improve neurological disorders, Alzheimer's and help fight autoimmune disease, and support the treatment of lupus, rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis. Prevent cancer: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Research shows that people who get the right amount of Omega 3 can reduce their risk of bowel cancer by up to 55%. Besides, Omega 3 also helps to improve sleep quality, good for skin, control skin oil, control skin moisture, prevent hyperkeratosis of hair follicles, prevent premature skin aging and acne.
2. Can Omega 3 be used every day?
Omega 3 is proven with many health benefits and the ability to support disease treatment. You can supplement daily but must be in accordance with the dosage, otherwise you will not experience the side effects of Omega 3 . Specifically:Lowering blood pressure: Taking too much Omega 3 will lower blood pressure, causing people with low blood pressure to have some serious problems Digestive disorders: Common side effects due to taking omega fish oil 3 is a digestive disorder and causes stomach upset such as acid reflux, nausea. Hyperglycemia: Excessive Omega 3 supplements can increase blood sugar in people with diabetes. Increased risk of bleeding: Bleeding gums and nosebleeds are side effects of Omega 3 when you consume too much. Increased risk of stroke: High intake of Omega 3 can reduce blood clotting and increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Omega 3 causes vitamin A poisoning: In some foods and supplements Omega 3 contains a lot of vitamin A, if consumed in high doses can cause poisoning, dizziness, nausea, joint pain and skin irritation. In the long term, it can cause liver damage and liver failure. Omega 3 causes insomnia in people with a history of depression: If taken in moderate doses, Omega 3 can enhance sleep quality. However, high doses can cause insomnia and anxiety in people with a history of depression.
3. Reasonable dose and supplement of Omega 3
3.1. Omega 3 Dosage The most important thing when taking an Omega 3 supplement is finding out how much EPA and DHA it contains to help your body get enough. So depending on the amount of EPA and DHA in a dose, however, a minimum of 250mg and a maximum of 3000mg of EPA and DHA combined per day is recommended. The recommended dose of Omega 3 is as follows:For healthy people: Because the daily diet has also received a sufficient amount of DHA, so it is only necessary to take 1 tablet / day. From 6 to 8 years old: Should supplement from 900 mg of Omega 3 per day. 9-13 years: Girls should take 1,000 mg/day and boys should take 1,200 mg/day. From 14 to 18 years old, girls need 1,100 mg / day, boys need to ensure 1,600 mg / day. Adult age (over 16 years old): Women need 1,100 mg/day, men need 1,600 mg/day; Pregnant women 1,400 mg/day and lactating women need 1,300 mg/day. Middle-aged and elderly: Middle-aged and elderly people with normal health should take 1,100 mg/day; Cardiovascular patients need at least 1,000 mg/day. People with diabetes, high blood pressure should supplement 2,000 mg / day. 3.2. Supplementing with reasonable Omega 3 Omega 3 is one of the essential functional foods that you should supplement for your body. However, it is necessary to supplement appropriately to achieve good results and avoid the side effects of Omega 3. The reasonable Omega 3 supplementation is as follows:
Take Omega 3 in the morning for the most effective absorption by the body. Omega 3 should be taken after each meal because Omega 3 is absorbed to the maximum after a meal containing fat. You can also choose a convenient time, but it is important to use the habit of taking Omega-3 on time to achieve optimal results. Adjusting the timing of Omega 3 supplements can help prevent some side effects like acid reflux. Therefore, taking Omega 3 in two smaller doses and taking it in the morning and evening is a good strategy to help prevent acid reflux and indigestion. Although after 14 hours, the absorption of fish oil is gradually reduced, but it is useful for people with insomnia because high levels of Omega 3 in the blood will help you fall asleep easier and sleep more deeply. Periodic health check-ups help to detect diseases early, thereby creating a treatment plan for optimal results. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with a reasonable price policy.
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