Simple ways to reduce water retention in the body

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Water makes up about 60% of body weight and plays a major role in all human activities. Dehydration is obviously not good, but too much water retention in the body also seriously affects health.

1. Excess water in the body

Excess water (also known as edema) is a condition in which the body stores more water than it needs, making it impossible for the body to absorb all of it and also not excrete it in time.
There are many causes for this condition, which can be mentioned as:
Air travel: The change in pressure in the plane plus having to sit in one place for a long time can make your body experiencing water retention. Standing or sitting for too long: Causes blood to pool in the lower extremities, water accumulates and causes edema. Hormonal disorders: Menstrual cycle can also cause the body to fall into an excess of water. Eating or drinking too much sodium-containing foods: Eating a lot of salt or drinking a lot of soft drinks can cause sodium levels in the body to rise, causing excess water. Using some drugs with the side effect of water retention such as pain relievers or antidepressants ... Cardiovascular problems prevent blood from circulating normally leading to fluid retention in the body. several organs in the body. Pregnant mothers: Weight changes can cause the legs to retain water (pregnancy edema) if you don't move often.

Phù chân do mang thân có thể là dấu hiệu của tình trạng tích nước
Phù chân do mang thân có thể là dấu hiệu của tình trạng tích nước

Some typical symptoms of excess water in the body:
Bloating, bloating, possibly with difficulty breathing There is swelling in the legs, especially the feet and ankles Swelling in the face and hips Joint swelling or even stiffness due to the pressure of the water. Weight changes erratic Use your hands to see indentations appear and leave a long time on the skin. Increased heart rate: Water retention causes the heart to work harder to pump blood to other parts of the body.

Sưng khớp là triệu chứng của bệnh tích nước trong cơ thể
Sưng khớp là triệu chứng của bệnh tích nước trong cơ thể

2. Simple ways to reduce water retention in the body

Most cases of water retention in the body do not lead to serious consequences. However, for some people, the sudden appearance of water retention can be an early sign of dangerous conditions such as kidney failure or heart failure.
In case the symptoms of water retention appear but are not accompanied by any diseases, you can reduce the accumulation of water in the body by some of the following ways:
Exercise regularly: Exercise Helps the body excrete more sweat, thereby helping to reduce excess water in the body. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to adding water during exercise to avoid dehydration. Get enough sleep: Many studies have proven that getting enough sleep is as important as diet and exercise. Sleep can affect the sympathetic nerves in the kidneys in regulating and balancing water and ions, thereby helping to reduce water retention in the body. Limit falling into a state of stress and fatigue: Prolonged stress adversely affects the hormones responsible for keeping the water balance in the body. Replenish electrolytes: Magnesium and potassium play an important role in regulating water balance. Keeping the concentration of electrolytes at an appropriate level helps to ensure a normal water balance in the body. Balance the amount of salt in the daily diet: Sodium from table salt is one of the electrolytes have the highest concentration in the body. Together with magnesium and potassium ensure the water balance process. Too much or too little sodium can disrupt that balance, leading to water retention. Using foods extracted from the dandelion plant: Many studies have shown that dandelion has a stimulating effect on the kidneys to increase the excretion of urine, salt and sodium. Build a healthy diet: Some foods rich in potassium such as green vegetables, beans, bananas, avocados, tomatoes, milk and other dairy foods can help the body replenish potassium, which balances sodium levels. Stimulates kidneys to increase urine output and reduce water retention. In addition, magnesium-rich foods have also been shown to have the same effect as potassium in ensuring water balance for the body.

Duy trì việc tập thể dục ngăn ngừa tình trạng tích nước
Duy trì việc tập thể dục ngăn ngừa tình trạng tích nước

Using coffee can help reduce the amount of water in the body. Coffee or other beverages containing caffeine have the effect of stimulating the body to excrete urine. Change daily habits: The first is to reduce the salt content in daily foods, avoid sitting in one place for too long, use drugs with side effects of water retention according to the doctor's instructions, limit use of alcohol, stimulants and soft drinks. Water retention in the body may not lead to serious consequences but can also be a warning of health problems related to kidney disease or heart disease. Therefore, applying simple methods to reduce water retention is necessary and important to balance the amount of water in the body, helping to stabilize the basic functions of the organs.
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