Alpha Choay: Uses and Dosage

Article written by Pharmacist Tran Huong Thu - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital

Alpha Choay is an enzyme-based anti-inflammatory drug whose main use is to reduce edema after trauma, surgery, burns, etc. The use of this drug must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and the doctor's instructions to ensure the best treatment effect and reduce the risk of unwanted complications.

1. What does Alpha Choay treat?

Alpha Choay (tablet) is an anti-inflammatory and edema drug with the active ingredient alpha chymotrypsin 21 microkatals (5mg). Alpha Choay is used to treat edema after trauma, surgery, burns, etc.

2. Contraindications of Alpha Choay

According to doctors, do not use Alpha Choay for the following subjects:

  • Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.
  • Patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, nephrotic syndrome).

3. Dosage of Alpha Choay

Alpha Choay is taken orally or sublingually. Dosage for the following subjects:


  • Oral: Take 2 tablets/time x 3-4 times/day, should be taken with plenty of water (at least 240ml) to help increase enzyme activity, drink without chewing.
  • Sublingual: 4-6 tablets divided evenly throughout the day, let the medicine dissolve slowly under the tongue.

Children: There is currently no data on dosage for children.

In case of an overdose, contact your doctor immediately or take the patient to the emergency room.

Patients need to use Alpha Choay according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor
Patients need to use Alpha Choay according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor

4. Side effects of Alpha Choay

People using Alpha Choay may experience some unwanted side effects in the digestive tract (rare) such as burning tongue and red tongue, bloating, abdominal heaviness, diarrhea, constipation or nausea.

If you have any side effects of the drug, inform your doctor or pharmacist for timely treatment.

5. Caution when using Alpha Choay

  • Be careful when using Alpha Choay for patients with hereditary blood clotting disorders such as hemophilia (blood clotting disorder), blood clotting disorders, about to have surgery, stomach ulcers, protein allergies, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Alpha Choay should not be combined with Acetylcysteine ​​and anticoagulants because it increases their effectiveness.

When prescribed medication, patients must strictly follow the doctor's instructions on dosage and duration of medication. When there are warning signs of side effects, patients should consult a doctor for timely advice and support.

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