- Aims:
Provide updated knowledge about Testosterone therapy treatment
Diagnostic tests and monitoring treatment - Objectives
Understand diagnostic procedure and treatment indication with testosterone therapy
Understand required tests for diagnosis and treatment monitoring
Time: 15:00-17:00 24/04/2024 - Location: 1st floor conference room, Vinmec Đà Nẵng Hospital
- Content:
Details attached in the appendix - Speakers:
Master - specialist level 2 Doctor Võ Thiện Ngôn - Department of General - Surgery
Expected attendees: 100 people - Target audience: Doctors, pharmacists, nurses and midwives of VMDN university
- Benefits
Medical staff inside and outside Vinmec System interested and belong to target audience please register with CME center, Vinmec Healthcare System at: Vinmec Times City before 23/04/2024