Drinking coconut water is good for bones and joints?

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Joints are often age-related problems; In particular, osteoporosis will cause bones to become weak, brittle and less dense. It is the antioxidant compounds and calcium in coconut water that will help maintain bone structure and prevent bone loss due to hormonal changes. So whether drinking coconut water is good for bones or joints, drinking coconut water is often what many people with chronic joint pain are very interested in.

1. Supports healthy bones

There are about 19.2 milligrams of calcium in one cup of coconut water, making this drink an excellent source of bone-building nutrients alongside other calcium-rich food sources. Many people do not consume enough calcium, and inadequate calcium intake can lead to problems of osteoporosis such as low density, bone loss and weaker, more fragile bones, especially in postmenopausal women.
In addition, antioxidants and free radicals have been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Therefore, the potential antioxidant compounds in coconut water or coconut oil have been used in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. In an animal model study, female rats that had their ovaries removed and given coconut water or coconut oil had significantly greater femur volume and surface area than control mice. proof.

2. Treatment of muscle cramps and pain

Coconut water can aid in the treatment of muscle cramps and/or soreness if taken actively during the recovery period after exercise, especially in athletes. This is because the minerals or ingredients in coconut water are electrolytes necessary for muscle function. Also, like other popular sports drinks, coconut water contains high levels of electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. So studies have shown that coconut water is as beneficial for post-workout recovery as even bottled sports drinks.
Moreover, should drinking coconut water every day help relieve muscle pain? Muscle soreness is one of the biggest hindrances to steady strength building and can be difficult to train. In this context, the habit of drinking coconut water will be beneficial in speeding up recovery time and eliminating soreness, through the process of removing toxins from the body and keeping muscles functioning properly.

3. Improve joint pain

Coconut water has the basic properties of an anti-inflammatory and helps reduce acidity in the body. This can help reduce inflammation and pain in the body, especially when drinking coconut water every day. In addition, this healthy drink also contains vitamin B6, which helps reduce and prevent inflammation, especially inflammatory joints caused by osteoarthritis.
Not only that, coconut oil or coconut milk is derived from the copra, the dried white shell of a mature coconut that is pressed to extract the oil, which has long been thought to have many benefits such as building a healthy immune system. immune system, treating muscle cramps and knee pain. Therefore, coconut oil may be beneficial for treating knee pain. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, as well as its high lauric acid content, coconut oil can aid in the healing process of knee pain.
In addition, for rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic autoimmune disease that can cause pain or loss of function in the joints of the hands and fingers, when modern remedies have not been completely effective, use Coconut oil is an effective traditional joint pain reliever. Thanks to its antibacterial properties and antioxidant factors that can help the body strengthen itself against disease, coconut oil when used regularly can help reduce inflammation and pain caused by arthritis.

4. The top benefits of coconut water for athletes

4.1. Add water

High-intensity exercises often require more sweat. Sweat releases some of the electrolytes needed by the body to maintain proper hydration and nerve, heart, and muscle function. The effect of coconut water at this time as well as other sports drinks will provide the concentration of electrolytes that are lacking during exercise.

4.2. Provides natural energy

Coconut water contains less than one percent natural sugar, instead of the refined sugars or high-fructose syrups commonly found in energy drinks or sports drinks. Natural sugars are just as important as carbohydrates for athletic performance. Therefore, drinking coconut water will help athletes consume less calories, do not feel too full, so they can have a nutritious snack after training.

4.3. Bring vitamins

Coconut water is great after a workout, as it provides recovery vitamins, including vitamins C and B. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system; folate (vitamin B9) helps the body make new cells and vitamin B6 helps build muscle by producing amino acids.
In short, coconut water is not only a refreshment for everyone, especially athletes, but can also be considered a remedy for patients with musculoskeletal diseases. Accordingly, should stop worrying if drinking coconut water is good for bones and joints, patients can create a habit of regularly adding this drink in their daily diet, both to prevent osteoporosis, reduce swelling and joint pain, balance the water and electrolyte environment in the body like the nutritional composition of coconut water.
Reference sources: webmd.com, indianexpress.com, askinglot.com, medicalnewstoday.com, thanyapura.com

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