Home Tag Osteoporosis

Articles in Osteoporosis

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533 Uses of Osteocare medicine
Osteocare is a liquid calcium supplement that is trusted by many people because of its health benefits. Osteocare is often recommended for children and adults. So what are the uses of Osteocare and how should it be dosed?
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Why Should Calcium Not Be Taken in the Afternoon or Evening?
Calcium is an essential mineral for bone development. However, improper calcium supplementation can negatively impact health. It’s crucial to avoid taking excessive calcium in a single dose; instead, divide calcium intake throughout the day.
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Vitamin D Levels and Menopause-Related Symptoms
You might think of vitamin D like other vitamins such as vitamin C or vitamin B. However, vitamin D is unique in that it acts more like a hormone than a vitamin. Your vitamin D levels decrease as you reach menopause, potentially causing many menopausal symptoms. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium and build bones, but it is also involved in many other processes that protect you from diseases and health issues.
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Estrogen and joint pain during menstrual or menopausal periods
Joint pain is one of the most common symptoms during menstruation or menopause. If you experience stiffness and joint pain, particularly in the morning, it is advisable to visit a healthcare facility for an examination to manage the symptoms effectively.
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Is it good for women to drink a lot of soy milk?
Soy milk contains a compound similar in structure to the female hormone estrogen , so it is very suitable for them. In addition, soy milk is also a source of essential nutrients, so it is very good for women to drink soy milk in moderation.
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Is drinking coconut water good for bones and joints?
Bones and joints are often age-related problems; in which, osteoporosis will make bones weak, brittle and less dense. The antioxidants and calcium in coconut water help maintain bone structure and prevent bone loss due to hormonal changes. So, is drinking coconut water good for bones and joints, or should people with chronic joint pain drink coconut water regularly?
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Drinking calcium with milk: Good or bad?
Many people think that milk is an effective calcium supplement for the body, so drinking calcium with milk will double the absorption capacity. However, this information is incorrect.
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