Do you know: What is a pistachio?

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As a delicious and nutritious food, pistachios are often consumed as a snack or as an ingredient in a variety of recipes. The green color and natural flavor of pistachios are commonly used in creams, confectionery, baked goods, butter and oils. However, many people have questioned what pistachios really are and whether they belong to the family of nuts that cause allergies when used.

1. Overview of nuts

When talking about nuts, most consumers usually think of small hard-shelled nuts like cashews, almonds, walnuts and peanuts. However, not all of them are classified as such.
In fact, some other parts of the plant are also grouped under the term "seeds", for example:
Plant seeds : these are fruits with a hard shell and inedible seeds inside. The shell of a plant seed cannot release the seed on its own. This category includes chestnuts, hazelnuts, and acorns. Fruit seed: consists of fruit with flesh surrounding a hard core or a pit containing a hard core that is the fruit seed. Some of the seeds of this fruit are often classified as “nuts” such as almonds, cashews, pecans, and walnuts. Other seeds : these seeds are sets without an outer shell, eg pine nuts, ginkgo seeds. Seeds encased in fruit such as macadamia nuts and peanuts also fall into this group.
Although from a botanical point of view, this grouping has very distinct characteristics. However, in terms of cuisine and general knowledge, we still use the term "grain" to refer to these types.
Plant seeds and fruit seeds are products that cause high rates of allergy and irritation to the body.

Hạt dẻ hay còn được gọi là quả hồ trăn được một lớp vỏ cứng bọc bên ngoài
Hạt dẻ hay còn được gọi là quả hồ trăn được một lớp vỏ cứng bọc bên ngoài

2. What is a pistachio?

The pistachio tree is one of many trees in the pistachio genus. This plant belongs to the same family as cashew, mango, and poison ivy. However, only a small branch in the pistachio genus is capable of producing edible pistachios.
Pistachios are native to Western Asia and the Middle East and according to some studies, this fruit has been consumed for the past 8000 years. Today, the areas with the largest production of pistachios in the world are located in Iran, the United States, and the Mediterranean region.
The pistachio tree typically grows in dry climates and can grow up to 12 meters tall. The tree usually develops clusters of fruit in the spring, which are usually green like grapes, gradually hardening and turning red. As the fruit ripens, the outer skin hardens and separates on its own. Inside each fruit is a purple-green seed, which is the edible part of the pistachio. Pistachios are usually harvested, shelled, dried, and roasted before being put on the market.

Pistachios are classified in the group of fruit seeds, not vegetable seeds. However, in the culinary world, pistachios are still classified as nuts and have the ability to cause irritation to the body.

Quả hồ trăn có khả năng gây kích ứng cho cơ thể người dùng
Quả hồ trăn có khả năng gây kích ứng cho cơ thể người dùng

3. Nutritional value from pistachios

Pistachios contain many nutrients and provide a great source of energy. A 100-gram serving of raw pistachios can provide:
Calories: 569 Protein: 21 grams Carbohydrates: 28 grams Fat: 46 grams Fiber: 10.3 grams Copper: 144% Daily Value (DV) Vitamins B6: 66% DV Thiamine: 68% DV Phosphorus: 38% DV Magnesium: 26% DV Iron: 22% DV Potassium: 21% DV Zinc: 21% DV
Pistachios are also a good source of salt, Selenium, Riboflavin, Vitamin E, Choline, Folate, Vitamin K, Niacin, Calcium. Consuming pistachios has the potential to improve heart health due to its high fat, fiber, and antioxidant content.
In a 4-week study of 15 people with moderate high cholesterol, consuming 15% of calories a day from pistachios was associated with a reduction in Total and Bad Cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in cholesterol. Good cholesterol (HDL).
Another 4-week study in 22 young adults, eating 20% ​​of calories a day from pistachios can improve blood vessel dilation, lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Quả hồ trăn chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng tốt cho sức khỏe của người dùng
Quả hồ trăn chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng tốt cho sức khỏe của người dùng

The interesting thing about pistachios is that although they contain high calories, there is no link in weight loss, but when adding pistachios to the daily menu, the body will be fuller for longer and thereby reduce Calories absorbed from other foods. Therefore, adding pistachios to your daily meal is a good way to increase your nutrient intake as well as improve your heart rate without gaining weight.
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